前言:书画之道,源远流长,博大精深,乃中华文化之精髓。【环球人物——戴宇飞】2024年度艺术特殊贡献人物,展现当代书画之辉煌,承传统文化之精髓,中国文化已经走向国际!此次环球人物重点推荐戴宇飞老师,她的作品既有雄浑磅礴,亦有细腻温婉,他注重写实性,以笔墨为媒,抒发胸中之逸气,展现人文、自然之美景,更寓含时代之精神与人文之情怀。观此展览,犹如穿越时空,与古人对话,与今人共鸣。愿诸君能于此间寻得心灵之慰藉,感受戴宇飞老师书画艺术之魅力,共同传承与发扬中华文化之瑰宝。Preface: The way of calligraphy and painting, with its long history and profound depth, is the essence of Chinese culture. [ Figures - Dai Yufei] The 2024 Special Contribution Person of the Year in Art, showcasing the brilliance of contemporary calligraphy and painting,iting the essence of traditional culture, Chinese culture has already gone international. ! This time, Global Figures highly recommends Ms. Dai Yufei. Her works are grand and delicate, emphasizing realism, using brush and ink as media, expressing the free spirit in her heart, showcasing the beauty of humanity and nature, and containing spirit of the times and humanistic sentiments. Viewing this exhibition is like traveling through time, conversing with the ancients, and resonating with the present. hope that you can find solace for your soul here, feel the charm of Ms. Dai Yufei's calligraphy and painting art, and together inherit carry forward the treasures of Chinese culture.
戴宇飞(女)出生于苏州,现在常驻上海,专业从事中国艺术创作,已有50余个春秋。国家一级美术师、中国美术家协会会员、中国书画产业研究基地专家组成员、中国书法美术家联合会名誉主席、中国画专业委员会委员、中国教育联盟艺术客座教授、中国国家博物馆特聘研究员、中国中央电视台全国两会报道重点推荐艺术家、CCTV华夏之声特聘艺术顾问、上海市通俗文艺研究会名誉副会长、艺宇书画院院长、中国现代书画名家协会副秘书长、北京当代环球书画院名誉副院长、北京艺海丹青书画院名誉副院长、曾在上海沪东画院、上海杨浦画院等任职。戴宇飞青年时期跟随苏州画院装裱大姐结识多位圈内书画家,启蒙师从著名画家沈子丞、陈小萍,后进入国际大师刘海粟为院长的“艺术研究班”深造三年,并得到上海市文史馆员著名画家施南池、吴野洲的亲传,乃师施南池倍加称赞,曾在《丛林悬瀑图》上题字“宇飞此作水墨淋漓,用笔苍茫可喜也!”擅长山水、人物、花鸟,至今她还在刘海粟大师赠与的画桌上进行创作。她研习宋元以来大家作品汲取精髓,师古而不泥古,在创作中追求新意,墨韵传神,兼工带写仕女画用笔流畅灵活有力,写意画奔放雄伟,水墨淋漓,笔墨非凡,别具苍劲灵动的神韵。戴宇飞多次举办个人画展,参加各类国家级大型展出,2011年12月她应邀参加了全国书画名家名作走进丹阳精品展,她的作品《四大美女》获得优秀奖。2017年初被有关部门推荐人选,戴宇飞代表中国出席参加“中俄美国际艺术大师三人行”书画展作品集,作品由中国美术文化出版社出版。2017年7月她受邀出席参加上海艺术中心“爱我中华-世界华人艺术家书画作品邀请展”暨纪念中国人民解放军建军90周年大型书画展,同期作品由天津人民美术出版社出版。历年来她的作品曾在上海市文汇报、新民晚报、侨报等各大报纸刊登,作品《竹林七贤》在第二届“世界华人书画大赛”中荣获“国际金奖”;作品“姑苏水乡”在澳大利亚悉尼中国画研究会举办的“首届亚太地区中国水墨画雪梨金奖大赛”上获大奖并予以收藏;《燕归人未归》、《西施浣纱》等作品均获大奖。2000年4月21日戴宇飞应邀出席比利时欧中文化艺术促进会向几十位法国贵宾现场作画,赢得全场雷鸣般掌声。2017年在哈萨克斯坦世博会荣获中国山水画艺术光明之路金奖。在首届2019中国北京“中华艺术国际书画展赛”中,作品“黄山朝雾”获得美术艺术专业第一名。戴宇飞经常参加社会帮困活动、笔会等,几十年如一日无需回报。2015年4月8日,在庆祝上海通俗文艺研究会成立20周年之际,被授予《德艺双馨艺术家称号》大奖,并多次获得上海市慈善基金会荣誉证书。2017年6月由中国文学艺术界联合会、中美协、中书法协会颁发的资质证书:文化艺术专业职称级别为“中华当代杰出艺术家”。她的简文在《上海现代书画名家名录》上第四次再版登录。作品在《海内外获奖作品精品选集》等大集出版。她的作品在港澳地区展出颇受海内外人士的青睐。Dai Yufei (female) was born in Suzhou and now resides in Shanghai. She has been professionally engaged the creation of Chinese art for over 50 years. She is a first-class artist of the state, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member the expert group of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Industry Research Base, an honorary chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Federation, a member of the Chinese Painting Committee, an art guest professor of the Chinese Education Alliance, a specially appointed researcher of the National Museum of China, a key recommended artist for the national two sessions of the China Central Television, a specially appointed art consultant of the CCTV Chinese Voice, an honorary vice president of the Shanghai Popular Literature and Art Research Association, the of the Yiyu Calligraphy and Painting Academy, the deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting Masters Association, the honorary deputy director of the Contemporary Global Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and the honorary deputy director of the Beijing Yihai Danqing Calligraphy and Painting Academy. She has also worked at Shanghai Pudong Painting Academy and the Shanghai Yangpu Painting Academy. In her youth, Dai Yufei followed her mentor, the famous painter Shen Zich and Chen Xiaoping, and later entered the "Art Research Class" headed by the international master Liu Haisu for three years of further study. She received guidance from the famous painters Shi Nanchi and Wu Yezhou of the Shanghai Literature and History Museum. Her mentor, Shi Nanchi, once wrote on her "Jungle Suspension Waterfall" that "Yufei's work is full of ink and the brushwork is vigorous and delightful!" She excels in landscapes figures, and flowers and birds, and she still creates on the painting table gifted by Master Liu Haisu. She studies the works of masters from the Song Yuan dynasties to absorb their essence, learns from the ancients but does not stick to their ways, and pursues new ideas in her creations. Her are full of ink charm, and her brushwork is smooth, flexible, and powerful. Her freehand paintings are bold and magnificent, full of ink and vigorouswork. Her unique style is robust and lively.