
文旅中国 2024-12-09 15:14:48

徜徉赣鄱大地,有什么值得您期待?是“风景这边独好”,是“文章节义之邦”,还是“物华天宝 人杰地灵”?这些都是,但江西远不止于此。

What makes a trip to the land of Ganpo (Jiangxi Province) so enticing? Is it the unique and unrivaled landscapes, the reputation as the "land of literary brilliance and moral integrity", or its abundant natural treasures and talented people? It’s all of these, but Jiangxi is much more.


The thousand-year romance of "sunset glows with a lone wild goose flying alongside", the majestic imagery of "a Milky Way cascading from the heavens"—this is Jiangxi. The idyllic countryside with small bridges, flowing water, and houses of blue-grey bricks and white walls—this is Jiangxi. The dazzling craftsmanship and stunning cultural treasures of China—this is Jiangxi. The melodious opera, traditional music, and flourishing cultural legacy—this is Jiangxi.


Let's journey here to experience the unmatched scenery and encounter picturesque Jiangxi.

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