
三月流焱 2022-10-20 11:04:09

生活,是一场充满未知的旅途。不要因为眼前的困境,就丧失对未来的期盼。以积极的心态,活出最佳状态,便是交给生活最好的一份答卷。愿你心怀希望,眼里有光亮,心中有期盼!Life, it is a journey full of the unknown. Don't lose your expectations for the future just because of the current predicament. With a positive attitude, live the best state, is to give the best answer to life. May you have hope, with light in your eyes, and hope in your heart!

生活熙熙攘攘,给自己多一些时间,消化不开心的情绪,守护自己内心的安定,歇息好再继续向前。Life is bustling, give yourself more time, digest the unhappy emotions, protect their own inner stability, rest well and then continue to move forward.

真正的进步,不是焦虑的自我怀疑,而是平静的自我接纳,不是被对自己的不满驱赶着,而是被美好的目标吸引着,真正的进步都不着急,我们默默耕种,静待开花。Real progress is not anxious self-doubt, but calm self-acceptance, not being driven by their own dissatisfaction, but attracted by the good goal, the real progress is not anxious, we silently cultivate, waiting to blossom.

在复杂的世界里,做个简单的自己,别让生活的压力挤走快乐,不管昨天发生了什么 都已经过去,请收拾好心情继续前行。In a complex world, be a simple self, don't let the pressure of life squeeze away happy, no matter what happened yesterday has passed, please clean up the mood to move on.

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