And the lodgekeeper's wife was grieved for them and called out: Young men, will you not come in? Why play the heron(苍鹭,鹭) who stands lugubrious(悲哀的,悲惨的) with his feet in cold water when it is open to you to become as sparrows twittering with gladness beneath the eaves?’

But they bowed politely and replied: “Thanks awfully, ma'am, but we are poets and we like it.
And the lodgekeeper's wife was riled(激怒,惹怒) and sneered at them, remarking: They have certainly had a drop too much.’ But they, smiling deprecatingly(/ˈdeprəkeɪtɪŋli/极不赞成地) upon her, responded: Madam you are pleased to be dry.’ ‘And you,’ quoth she, are pleased to be wet.' And she slammed to the window, casting up her eyes and inquiring rhetorically, ‘Did you ever? and What next?’

And the rain came down like hell, leaping a foot high and sousing(souse浸透) all things.

And after another while, the lodgekeeper's wife looked out again, and the two had gathered closer about the trunk of the hawthorn tree, and they were as two old crows, for their shoulders were up and their beaks(鸟嘴) were down and they were unbelievably dishevelled(凌乱).

And she shouted to them again, for she was a charitable woman, saying: O miserable gentlemen, in the name of civilization and commonsense, come inside.’
But they dared not turn their faces to her, lest the water should run down their necks: so, revolving themselves all of a piece, they replied: Renewed thanks, ma'am, but we are very well, for we are acquiring copy.’ And they cowered(蜷缩) under the deluge(暴雨) with great earnestness of purpose.