【每日一词】 cardinal - \ ˈkärd-nəl , ˈkär-də- \
noun 红衣主教;基数,纯数;红衣凤头鸟;猩红,鲜红 plural cardinals
Definition (Entry 1 of 2)
1: a high ecclesiastical official of the Roman Catholic Church who ranks next below the pope and is appointed by him to assist him as a member of the college of cardinals (see COLLEGE sense 4)
2: CARDINAL NUMBER —usually used in plural
3a[ from its color, resembling that of the cardinal's robes ] : a crested finch (Cardinalis cardinalis of the family Cardinalidae) of the eastern U.S. and adjacent Canada, the southwestern U.S., and Mexico to Belize which has a black face and heavy red bill in both sexes and is nearly completely red in the male
3b: any of several red-headed passerine birds (genus Paroaria of the family Thraupidae) of South America and the West Indies that are grayish to blackish above with white underparts
adjective adj. 最主要的,基本的
Definition (Entry 2 of 2)
1: of basic importance
//a cardinal principle
2: very serious or grave
//a cardinal sin
Synonyms & Antonyms
Adjective - arch, big, capital, central, chief, dominant, first, foremost, grand, great, greatest, highest, key, leading, main, master, number one (also No. 1), numero uno, overbearing, overmastering, overriding, paramount, predominant, preeminent, premier, primal, primary, principal, prior, sovereign (also sovran), supreme
Adjective - last, least
//The Pope appointed two new cardinals this year.
//the cardinal principles of news reporting
//My cardinal rule is to always be honest.