
题源报刊单词 <em>tap</em>-朱伟考研7000词

题源报刊单词 tap-朱伟考研7000词

tap[tæp]① v.(用手指)轻拍,轻叩,轻敲;打节拍;打开水龙头;开发,利用(into);窃听(电话)② n.轻敲;龙头,阀门;窃听器 例句 On phones,it measures the angle at which people hold their devices,the fingers ...

题源报刊单词 <em>tap</em>-朱伟考研7000词

题源报刊单词 tap-朱伟考研7000词

tap[tæp]① v.(用手指)轻拍,轻叩,轻敲;打节拍;打开水龙头;开发,利用(into);窃听(电话)② n.轻敲;龙头,阀门;窃听器 例句 On phones,it measures the angle at which people hold their devices,the fingers ...



tap[tæp]① v.(用手指)轻拍,轻叩,轻敲;打节拍;打开水龙头;开发,利用(into);窃听(电话)② n.轻敲;龙头,阀门;窃听器 例句 On phones,it measures the angle at which people hold their devices,the fingers ...