
中书国画 2024-09-04 16:19:55









Deng Weidong: With Mountains and Rivers as His Ambition, He Imbues His Art with Humanistic Spirit

Deng Weidong, born in the Yiwei year in Chenzhou, has long resided in the western regions, where his heart and art are deeply rooted. Xinjiang, a land rich in natural beauty, boasts a third of the Silk Road running through the northern and southern Tianshan mountains. The region is steeped in history and culture, with diverse natural landscapes and cultural sites that provide endless inspiration for artists, each finding their own voice in this fertile ground.

Since Deng began studying local art, he has embraced the spirit of the times, capturing the vast landscapes with a broad vision and delicate touch. His ambition lies in depicting the beauty of the western mountains and rivers, infusing his brushstrokes with humanistic spirit and the vitality of the era. In his works, the grandeur of the landscapes and their inner spirit are evident, blending impressionistic and realistic styles to vividly portray the majestic beauty of the western regions.

Deng Weidong is deeply committed to painting, tirelessly honing his craft. While many are overwhelmed by daily tasks, especially in this age of information overload where duties are lengthy and fast-paced, Deng understands the importance of balance. The busier he is, the more he insists on picking up the brush. Late at night, he shuts his door, declines visitors, and focuses on his art, often working until the early hours, yet still meets the next day’s demands with full vigor. In this era of abundant leisure, Deng frequently drives through the mountains and valleys of Urumqi, gathering rich material for his work.

Deng Weidong grew up during the era of reform and opening-up, giving him a unique perspective on the path of art. Observing forty years of cultural transformation, he has seen the nation rise and the people's spirit renew, absorbing the essence of various global cultures while blending the ancient with the modern. Deng believes that reform and opening-up have opened new horizons for Chinese culture, fostering exchanges and achieving great feats, with benefits that will endure for generations.

In Xinjiang, Deng Weidong holds multiple roles, each demanding considerable time and effort. He follows a simple rule: complete tasks within eight hours, without extending the workday. He uses the remaining time for his art, maintaining simplicity in his duties. While many today claim to be busy, Deng believes that a true devotee of painting will never neglect their craft due to busyness. Thus, he often advises his students: "If you find yourself too busy to paint, perhaps you do not truly love this art."

Deng Weidong believes that contemporary artists are fortunate to live in a prosperous age. In the past, even the most renowned masters had to trek on foot, enduring hardships as they sketched from life. Today, artists can drive to their desired locations, with GPS making navigation effortless, creating an ideal environment for artistic creation. Deng is convinced that a great work can resonate with both the artist and the audience, allowing them to share in its beauty. His goal is to achieve a balance between refinement and accessibility, hoping that all can understand his art, without becoming isolated from the world.

Deng Weidong has deep insights into the inheritance of Chinese painting. In earlier years, he questioned the excessive formalism and lack of innovation, leading to doubts about cultural traditions. However, with time, he came to realize that reflection is part of growth, gradually uncovering the profound subtleties of tradition. Deng believes that the essence of Chinese painting lies in brushwork. Brushwork is not only the foundation but also the measure of an artist's skill. It must be intimately connected to the subject to reveal its true spirit. This vast domain requires future generations to continue the legacy, renewing and innovating as they go.

Deng Weidong holds a firm belief: "Be careful with your brush, and express your true emotions." He has never sought fame but has consistently pursued his artistic journey with steady steps. Though he occasionally humbles himself, acknowledging that his skill may not meet his aspirations, he understands that the accumulation of experience is what truly matters in art, and that the process is more valuable than the outcome.

Deng Weidong has spent most of his life in Xinjiang, describing his experience as "living years as if they were days," where time flies by contentedly. His original studio name, "Diandian Zhai," was a humble reference to a small room unfit for greatness. Now, he plans to rename it "Baxian Tang," symbolizing the eight leisurely pursuits of painting, calligraphy, reading, poetry, tea, music, conversation, and friendship. He believes that life should balance effort with enjoyment, finding peace and fulfillment through cultural enrichment.


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