
眼睛是裸露的 2024-05-08 06:41:50



二十世纪二十年代,远渡南洋谋生的吴声梓(Goh Seng Choo)在事业有成之后,不忘祖国、不忘家乡,积极支持家乡建设。抗日战争时期,积极响应陈嘉庚的号召,主动捐资捐物支援祖国的抗战;五、六十年代时期,主动带头捐资并积极号召在新加坡的榕桥籍华侨捐资建设家乡榕桥中学“仰星楼”,主动捐资购买几十吨化肥支援家乡的农业生产,并出资购买机器设备,帮助建设大队碾米厂,帮助群众解决实际困难;每年春节前夕,会从南洋寄出一定资金或生活物资资助同村的堂亲,帮助他们过一个好年;上世纪八十年代前后,吴声梓多次出资帮助家乡榕桥中学和下都小学二校的校舍建设。吴声梓逝世后,其子女继承其爱国爱教的光荣传统。


In the 1920s, Goh Seng Choo, who ventured afar to seek a living in the Nanyang region, achieved success in his career. Yet, he never forgot his motherland nor his hometown. He actively supported the development of his hometown. During the period of the Sino-Japanese War, he responded enthusiastically to the call of Tan Kah Kee, voluntarily donating funds and materials to support the homeland's resistance against the Japanese invasion.

During the 1950s and 1960s, Goh Seng Choo took the initiative to lead donations and actively rallied fellow Rongqiao overseas Chinese in Singapore to contribute funds for the construction of Rongqiao Middle School's "Yangxing Building". He also proactively donated funds to purchase dozens of tons of fertilizer to support agricultural production in his hometown. Additionally, he financed the purchase of machinery and equipment to aid in the construction of a rice mill for the collective farm, assisting the local residents in overcoming practical difficulties.

Every year before the Spring Festival, he would send a certain amount of money or essential goods from Nanyang to support his relatives in the same village, helping them have a prosperous year. In the 1980s, Goh Seng Choo contributed several times to the construction of school buildings for Rongqiao Middle School and Xiadu Second Primary School in his hometown.

After Goh Seng Choo passed away, his children inherited his glorious tradition of patriotism and devotion to education.

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