【题目出自未来主义诗人菲利波·托马索·马里内蒂。劳丽·安德森是实验音乐界的先驱级人物。《美国后现代派短篇小说选》收录此篇,甘文平译本错误百出,作了一些修改。原文为《神经圣经的故事》「Stories from the Nerve Bible」一节,专辑《戴首饰的丑陋者》「The Ugly One with the Jewels」倒数第二首“曲目”《文化大使》「The Cultural Ambassador」收录安德森朗诵现场录音。】
War is the Highest Form of Modern Art
Laurie Anderson
During the Gulf War I was traveling around Europe with a lot of equipment, and all the airports were full of security guards who would suddenly point to a suitcase and start yelling: “Whose bag is this? I want to know right now who owns this bag!” And huge groups of passengers would start fanning out from the bag just running around in circles like a Scud missile was on its way in.
I was carrying a lot of electronics so I had to keep unpacking everything and plugging it in and demonstrating how it all worked and I guess I did seem a little fishy, a lot of this stuff wakes up displaying LED-program read-outs have names like “Atom Smasher” and so it took a while to convince them that they weren’t some kind of portable espionage system.
So I’ve done quite a few of these sort of impromptu new music concerts for small groups of detectives and customs agents and I’d have to keep setting all this stuff up and they’d listen for a while and then say: “So what’s this?” And I’d pull out something like this filter and say “This is what I’d like to think of as the voice of Authority” and it would take me a while to tell them how I used it for songs that were about various forms of control, and they would say:
“Now why would you want to talk like that?”
And I looked around at the SWAT teams and undercover agents and dogs and the radio in the corner tuned to the Super Bowl coverage of the war and I’d say:
“Take a wild guess.”
Finally of course, I got through. It was after all American-made equipment and the customs agents were all talking about the effectiveness, no, the beauty, the elegance, of the American strategy of pinpoint bombing, the high-tech surgical approach which was being reported on CNN as something between grand opera and the Super Bowl, like the first reports before the black-out when TV was live and everything was heightened, and it was so euphoric.