
是酒心七七 2024-04-13 20:47:10

在那么多疲惫 抬不起头的日子里 我都觉得ta是个盼头.

In so many tired days that I can't lift my head up, I feel like she's a hope.

见过花开就好了 又何必在意花属于谁.

It is good to have seen flowers bloom, so why should we care who the flowers belong to?"

没关系 大家都不用改 不舒服的关系就断开.

It's okay. No one has to change the uncomfortable relationship and break it off.

我用真心待你但不执着于你 活在缘分中而非关系里.

I treat you with sincerity but do not cling to you live in fate rather than relationship.

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