
柯远说文学 2024-09-01 14:48:55

1. Job landing 工作找好了

2. Job opening 工作机会

3. Executive board 董事会

4. a real good impression of sb. 对某人有好印象

5. fair treatment 公平对待

6. at the counseling center 在心理咨询所

7. in a suit and tie 穿着正式

8. join in a training program 参加一个培训项目

9. corporate management 企业管理

10. no obligation 免费的

11. specific job 具体工作

12. line of business 公司行业

13. leave a good impression on sb. 给某人留下好印象

14. fill a vacancy 填满空缺


1. Job opening 工作机会

2. join in a training program 参加一个培训项目

3. leave a good impression on sb. 给某人留下好印象

4. fill a vacancy 填满空缺


There's a job opening in my company. It would suit you.


I joined a training program yesterday and received a free gift.


Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good impression on a potential employer.


Recruiting the right candidates to fill a vacancy can be a difficult and costly task.



1. count the days until retirement 退休前的数日子

2. chief executive 董事长

3. immediate boss 直接上司

4. position/post/offer/vacancy/opening 职位

5. experience in the position 职业经验

6. professional expertise 专业技能

7. apply for a job 申请工作

8. further talk 进一步谈判

9. sales/marketing manager 销售经理


1. position/post/offer/vacancy/opening 职位

2. sales/marketing manager 销售经理


The position requires at least a Master's degree in engineering.


As the company's northern sales manager I'm responsible for quite a large territory.


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