
时代楷模 2022-04-15 08:57:25

在这个时代,涌现了许许多多富有时代气息、个人风格鲜明的艺术家。他们以传承与发展中华优秀传统文化为己任,不断努力,不断创新,通览古今融贯中西,使中国书画艺术呈现出崭新的面貌,将中国艺术逐步推向世界艺术之顶峰。为发掘展示当代艺术家风采及优秀作品,《喜迎二十大 共筑中国梦——艺术家专题报道》特别推荐艺术家大型活动,面向全国及大众展示当代艺术名家风采。

蓝师龙,畲族,曾用名:蓝培元,字樟生,号三岁堂主,佛教居士,法号:德严,又自号:释振开,赣州一诚,赣州郑板桥,江西 赣州人,壬戌年生人,99年毕业于江西南昌大学东方文化艺术系。


作品被中国文化进万家书画艺术中心;中国集邮宣传中心网;中国邮品研发组委会 ;中国澳门邮政通过国家名片《盛世中国传承经典》一带一路银币共同发行成邮票典藏册;《中国艺术家大典》特约艺术家;《当代书画家全书》入册艺术家;被《中国艺术家大典》授予“当代杰出艺术家”荣誉称号。


LAN Shilong, she nationality, formerly known as LAN Peiyuan, styled zhangsheng, no. Three Years old Tang Lord, Lay Buddhist, his legal name: Deyan, and his own name: Shi Zhenkai, Yicheng, Ganzhou, Zheng Banqiao, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, born in the year of Ren Xu, graduated from the Department of Oriental Culture and Art of Nanchang University in jiangxi in 1999.

I learned calligraphy from Mr. Yuan Qingyi, a member of Jiangxi Calligrapher's Association, since childhood. Later, I became a teacher of Mr. CAI Shengtao, a member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association and a direct descendant of the royal yan Style Regular . Student of Ganzhou Hailin Society; Invigilator of National Rank Examination of Calligraphy and Fine Arts of Art Development Center of Chinese Culture and Tourism Ministry; Invigilator of National Rank Examination of Calligraphy and Fine Arts of Chinese Culture and Tourism Ministry; Invigilator of Chinese Traditional Culture Promotion Association national Calligraphy and Art Rank Examination; Invigilator of appointed institution of Chinese Culture Promotion Association social art Level examination; Member of China Traditional Culture Promotion Association; Academician of Chinese People's Painting and Calligraphy Academy; Chinese National Ceremony artists; National first-class artist; Senior calligraphy teacher of Chinese Traditional Culture Promotion Association calligraphy talents; National Professional Credit Evaluation network database calligraphy talent senior calligraphy teacher; National Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee; Chinese Traditional Culture Development Center; National Senior Artist Title Appraisal Committee Calligraphy (fine art) National senior calligrapher; Member and deputy secretary general of Zhanggong Calligrapher's Association, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province; British Luya Oriental Masters Cultural Exchange Center signed artists; Member of Hong Kong International Teachers and Celebrities Association; Member of Hong Kong International Calligrapher's Association.

Works of Chinese culture into ten thousand painting and calligraphy art center; China Philatelic Propaganda Center Network; Organizing Committee for The Development of Chinese Philatelic Products; Macao Post of China issued a stamp collection of silver coins along the Belt and Road through the national card "The Golden Age of Chinese Heritage Classics". Guest artist of "Chinese Artists Ceremony"; Artist included in The Book of Contemporary Painters and Calligraphers; He was awarded the honorary title of "Contemporary Outstanding Artist" by "Chinese Artist Ceremony".

China (Hong Kong) Artists Association, China (Hong Kong) Calligrapher's Association, China Huaxia Giant Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Chinese People's Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute, Chinese Traditional Culture development Committee and other units joint evaluation; Honorary title of "Chinese Meritorious Artist". He was awarded "Outstanding Artists of Great Powers" by CCTV's "Cultural Power" column. Inheritor of China's intangible cultural heritage.


















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