提到被动,我们通常多用被动语态表示被动意义,有时也可用一些含有被动意思的小词。一些动词短语也可以表达被动意义,前提是这些短语本身就含有被动意义,因此,在使用时不需要要用被动式。比如我们常见的动词come,go,work,wash等动词构成的一些短语就可以表达被动意义。下面总结wash out, come up, go up,work out,blow up,go down六个常用短语的用法。

1.短语wash out的意思是“被洗去,冲走”。比如:
These ink stains won't wash out.这些 墨渍洗不掉。The stain washed out (of the shirt).(衬衫上的)污迹洗掉了。The bridge has washed out.桥已被冲掉。
2.短语come up可以指“被提到/讨论/考虑”。比如:
The subject came up at work.这一话题在工作时被提及。The question is bound to come up at the meeting.会上一定会讨论这个问题。

3.短语go up指“被建造,被公布;被毁掉,被炸毁”。比如:
New homes will be going up at an annual rate of about twenty thousand.将按照每年约两万户的进度建筑新民房。The whole house went up in flames.整个房子在熊熊烈火中烧毁了。
4.短语work out指“被计算出,能得到解决/解答”。比如:
This problem will not work out.这个问题解答不了。
5.短语blow up指“被毁掉”。比如:

A biased judgement might have blown up the whole scheme.假如存着偏见做判断,整个计划很可能已经给毁掉了。Richard’s career blew up when he was involved in the scandal.理查德卷入了那件丑闻,他的前程也就给毁了。
6.短语go down指“被接受/相信/赞同;被写下/记下”。比如:
The new play went down quite well.这出新戏很受欢迎。His explanation won’t go down well with me.他的解释我 不大能接受。
Their heroic exploits will go down in history.他们的英雄业绩将被载入史册。