
时代楷模 2021-11-22 17:22:16





Personal profile:

Wang Xudong, originally from Xiajin County, Shandong Province, was born in Handan, Hebei in February 1952. He is a senior researcher at the Workers’ Cultural Palace in Handan City, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a psychiatric affair at the Calligraphy and Art Exchange Center of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Book Association of Hebei Province. 4th council member, 5th presidium member. Director of China Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, Vice Chairman of Hebei Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, Honorary Chairman of Handan Calligraphers Association, Chairman of Municipal Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, Dean of Zhaodu Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute.

Professionally engaged in calligraphy and painting work since 1977. In 1982, he served as the head of the Propaganda Section of the Cultural Palace. In 1983, he was commissioned by the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles and appointed by the Cultural Palace to prepare for the establishment of the Handan Calligraphy Association. In 2016, presided over the daily work. Personal calligraphy was started by Tang Kai, spread to hundreds of schools, benevolent s, Tongshen Li, heavy and strong, and eclectic in form.

His works have participated in various exhibitions inside and outside the province for nearly a hundred times, and his works have been exhibited in Japan, Singapore, South Korea, the United States, Russia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. He was awarded the title of 1900 Outstanding Calligrapher by the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles; was selected for the first Ruzi Niu Cup Exhibition of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and the Chinese Artists Association; he was awarded the Yanzhao Stars Award in Hebei Province and many other awards. Over the years, he has ed on calligraphy education and has cultivated a large number of calligraphy newcomers for Handan. In recent years, he has personally taught the first batch of calligraphy students from Handan Art High School into the university.Planning and organizing more than 50 provincial and municipal large-scale painting and calligraphy activities.






In 2002, he was awarded the "Advanced Individual of Culture, Science and Technology Three Going to the Countryside" by the Propaganda Department of Hebei Provincial Party Committee.

In 2002, he was awarded the title of "Provincial Association Advanced Worker" by the Civil Affairs Department of Hebei Province.

In 2004, a grand calligraphy exhibition of Wang Xudong was held in Handan City Museum.

In 2015, he was awarded the title of "National Advanced Individual in Social Science Work" by the China Federation of Social Sciences.

In 2011-2013, the Art Evaluation Committee of the Cultural Market Development Center of the Ministry of Culture assessed calligraphy works at RMB 7000-8000 per square foot.


师益汉风书雄观 再展二王调锋功


       书法的极致美感先是在于工整,二是在于潇洒。著名书法家王旭东先生之所以书名播远,成为当代书坛的大手笔,就是因为他的翰墨修养先是达成了极致的工整美,而后达到了极致的潇洒美。能像王旭东这样,在书法磨砺进程中,最终收获书法工整与潇洒两全不失的书法家,并不多见。       他的书法工整,事实上源于对法度的严谨追求。书法法度的严谨源头,当以隶变之前的汉风碑质为法典。东汉蔡邕勒石刻经典,把隶书法度宣示天下,一日车载千辆拓摹求法,就是前人对书法法度敬仰并追求的体现。王旭东的笔墨大有法度,自然就有执笔写汉隶的卓越,是功之入深,度之入精的境界。       他的隶书创作,结体方正,取法礼器碑,笔法劲拔,取法乙瑛碑,然后旭 又参意华山碑、石门颂、西峡碑的多姿神逸,一碑一精华,汲众而合融,形成了他的隶书品位极追汉风的高端。常为社稷呈良策,敢替黎民作呼声,这幅隶书楹联作品,意气沉着,气度超脱,无论是从内容品质上来看,还是从笔劲入碑的古风价值来观,都是真典正气,仰观动容的笔墨典范,汉隶风尚,经由他的笔墨再生,能打破代际的阻隔,为时代带来沉着健迈的笔墨雄观!

他是一位书法家,又是一位倾心于书法文化推广的文化家,文人依笔墨而修身,也因文采而雅观的涵养气质,在他的书法进修过程中,始终是一种精神修养的主线。而这种修养主线的根本就会指向他行草创作的“二王体系”他的行草书法,是法根取源的正宗价值观。书法的正宗主流始于二王构建的文人书法核心,所以王旭东的行草书法必然就因其文人之心而指向了师宗二王的核心执着。       凡练正宗者,必师兰亭序,也必临中秋帖。王旭东对二王法帖或是二王后续贤人的法帖研习付出极深,对二王书法的中和品质和自由潇洒的文人意向把握透彻,取法先贤,谨从贤风,写得一手状如缎风显飘逸,势显险奇终归正的优质行草作品。行草笔法的精致把握,纯熟如青,把二王书法侧入中行极善调锋的行笔技艺揣摩的非常到位,所以在书法实践创作中,尽是调锋自如,大道任我的从容,写成了行笔随风,雨落花开的文人味和文化韵。无论是行书,还是草书,都是清爽透秀,儒然雅观!       师益汉风书雄观,再展二王调锋功。得笔法者得书法,经由心追手临的磨砺进程,又因独有智慧的法帖师益,让他的书法有食古而能得化,师旧而不显拘泥的执守力和开创功。以法帖为根本,以创新为翔翼,他执笔落果息是显成工整平和的气度,也透潇洒快意的风格,气度归品修,潇洒成格调,大手笔自然是大功成!

著名书画评论家 史峰


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2021-11-23 23:02
