gap/ɡæp/ n . 开口;间断;分歧
Leave a gap between your car and the next.
There's a big age gap between them
(= a big difference in their ages ).
the gap between theory and practice 理论与实践的脱节
gender /ˈdʒendə(r)/ n . 性别;性(阳性、阴性和中性,不同的性有不同的词尾等)
issues of ,race and gender 阶级、种族和性别问题
generate /ˈdʒenəreɪt/ v . 产生,创造(=create )
a useful technique for generating new ideas 能产生新创意的有用技术
The program would generate a lot of new jobs.
genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ n . [U] 天才;天资
a statesman of genius 天才的政治家
genius for sth./for doing sth. 做某事的才能或本领
genuine /ˈdʒenjʊɪn/ adj . 真的;名副其实的;真诚的
Is the painting a genuine Picasso? 这幅画是毕加索的真迹吗?
genuine adj . (感情、物品、身份等)真正的,真实的
real adj . 真的,真实的
authentic adj . 正宗的,原汁原味的
true adj . (仅用于名词前)真正的,名副其实的
genuinely adv . 真地;真诚地
global /ˈɡləʊbl/ adj . 全球的,世界的(=universal );全面的
global climate change 全球气候变化
globally adv . 全球地,世界地
grab /ɡræb/
v . 抓住;攫取(=seize );利用,抓住(机会)
She grabbed the child's hand and ran. 她抓住孩子的手就跑。
This was my big chance and I grabbed it with both hands.
n . 猛然的抓取;突然的抢夺
He made a grab for her bag. 他突然去抢她的包。
gradually /ˈɡrædʒʊəli/ adv . 逐渐地;逐步地
The weather gradually improved. 天气逐渐好转。
greenhouse /ˈɡriːnhaʊs/ n . 温室;暖房
guideline /ˈɡaɪdlaɪn/ n . [C ,usually plural] 指导方针;指导原则;行动纲领
The government has drawn up guidelines on the treatment of the mentally ill.
guy /ɡaɪ/ n . 男人;小伙子;一群男人(或女人)
a big/nice/tough guy 大个子男人/ 好小伙子/ 结实粗野的家伙