wear(have) your heart on your sleeve
to allow your feelings to be seen by other people
heart一直以来被认为是情感的中心。中世纪时,骑士们比武时穿着他们所喜欢的女士的服装颜色,在他们手臂上系着女士的围巾或丝带。这向观赏的观众表明骑士所心仪的女士是哪位。wear heart on sleeve首次出现在莎士比亚的《Othello》即《奥赛罗》中:
‘It is as sure as you are Roderigo,Were I the Moor, I would not be Iago.In following him, I follow but myself;Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty,But seeming so, for my peculiar end;For when my outward action doth demonstrateThe native act and figure of my heartIn compliment extern, ’tis not long afterBut I will wear my heart upon my sleeveFor daws to peck at. I am not what I am.’
If you wear your heart on your sleeve,your feelings are obvious to everyone around.你的感受对周围的每个人都是显而易见的。
It is better to not wear your heart on your sleeve.
John always wears(has) his heart on his sleeve so that everyone knows how he feels.
Mary is one of those people who wears her heart on her sleeve.
It’s just that I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve.
Jane simply doesn't wear her heart on sleeve so it's sometimes difficult to know what she is feeling.