同学们,咱们都知道,中国文化博大精深,成语作为其中的璀璨明珠,背后往往藏着一段段精彩的故事。今天,咱就来讲讲 “班门弄斧
自動巡航的撲克牌!刺殺者魔術教學,看完我跪了(Auto Cruise Poker! Assassin magic teaching read me kneel)
最有默契的撲克牌魔術,觀衆看了大吃一驚(The most tacit playing card magic the audience was surprised.)
嘴裏吐出撲克牌?藏在哪裏 原來這麽簡單(Magic teaching mouth spit out poker)
最強打賭遊戲:移動兩根香煙 讓硬幣出去( 最強打賭遊戲:移動兩根香煙 讓硬幣出去 Best bet game move two cigarettes and let the coin go out)
制造緣分的魔術教學!男生表白必備(Magic teaching to make fate! Boys must have a c
魔術揭秘: 瘋狂穿越! 劉謙最愛! 原來這麼簡單!
魔術揭秘! 4個硬幣在手上瞬間消失又出現! (Magic is uncovered! 4 coins disappear in th
魔術揭秘: 讀出妳心中的數字! 適合和女生玩(Secret Magic read the numbers in your mind!
魔術揭秘: 打火機能穿越桌子? 苦惱多年終于揭秘(Magic revelation can a lighter cross the
魔術揭秘: 電影中的掌上火! 熊熊烈焰卻毫發無傷? (In the movie the secret magic palm fire!
魔術揭秘: 4個股子瞬間移動! 妳永遠猜不透(Magic Secrets 4 moments of movement! Youll
魔術教學: 橡皮筋瞬間穿越手指! (Magic teaching a rubber band across the finger i
魔術教學: 橡皮筋穿越, 劉謙都說666, 一分鍾學會! (Magic teaching rubber band traversing
魔術教學: 橡皮筋0.1秒穿越手機! 太好玩了! 人人都能學會(Magic teaching rubber band 0
魔術教學: 香煙穿越術! 2根香煙就可以玩! (Magic teaching cigarette passing! 2 cigaret
魔術教學: 硬幣穿越礦泉水瓶, 困惱多年的秘密終于揭曉! ( coins through the bottle of mineral
魔術教學: 吸管隔空移動! 壹分鐘就學會(Magic teaching straw move apart! Learn in a m