Every family has a hard book to read一个企业的经营者不应只关心企业一个季度的盈亏,应
Every family has a hard book to read一个企业的经营者不应只关心企业一个季度的盈亏,应
One day, people will come to the end of their lives人生本是一个博弈的
It's not easy to get lost in all kinds of temptations父母恩爱是对孩
Every child is different每天都要做很多大大小小的决策。下围棋就是典型的博弈,每走一步棋,我的所得
It doesn't have to be me. Of course, I hope it's me既不自命清高,也不
Men are born of women孩子撒谎常出于恐惧心理,父母与其一个劲地审问、说教,不如设身处地安慰孩子。创业
Buying houses in the eyes of investors肺喜润勿燥,秋冬季节气候干燥,最易伤肺。肺主
Less words, not more世间所有的美好都是相对的,没有十全十美。珍惜现在,过好余生.别把最好的岁月给了最
As long as you are human, you will make mistakes越陌生,越礼貌客气;越亲
Ability is to hold, courage is to let go承认自己做不到,不是什么大不了的事。能区
The dark side of human nature cannot be underestimated能好好睡觉的
What kind of person you are德育教育是育人,不是灌输某些东西。每个家庭都渴望自己的孩子是成功者
Since it's a deal, there's a deal price死亡不是生命的终点与结果,而是生命的延续与
What kind of grievance you suffer determines who you can bec
This world only has the unexpected, has not been unable to d
Human nature is selfish孩子将来好不好,有没有出息,不取决出生于哪一天,取决于父母对他的熏陶和养育
Human nature is the essence of Art真正能扛事的人都是被逼出来的。机会在危险之中,当所有
People are not allowed to live, die or die人设立起来容易,自己能接住难。每个行
Maturity is knowing that something can't be done after all人一
Has long been a competitive tool for parents在文明世界之外,有不知道的另一面