引言:本篇文章为装X专用,非装X人员请迅速撤离~~meniscus /məˈnɪskəs/noun【不规则形式】 pl.
引言:本篇文章为装X专用,非装X人员请迅速撤离~~meniscus /məˈnɪskəs/noun【不规则形式】 pl.
引言:学了这么多年英语,有时竟分不清 "黎明” 与 “黄昏”,看来越拥有的越忽略吧~~dawn /dɔːn/no
引言:从谷神的动态中认识的 commute,看上去有些奇怪:第一眼像 communism (共产主义),第二眼像 mut
acute /əˈkjuːt/ adj. 1 十分严重的 very serious or severe There
riddle /ˈrɪdl/noun1谜;谜语a question that is difficult to under
dispensable /dɪˈspensəbl/ adj.[not usually before noun] 不必要;
dispose /dɪˈspəʊz/verb(formal)1[VN + adv./prep.] 排列;布置;安排to
答案在文末哦~initial /ɪˈnɪʃl/adj.[only before noun] 最初的;开始的;第一的hap
答案就在本文中,找到的童鞋请在评论区剧透!nuance /ˈnjuːɑːns/noun[C, U] (意义、声音、颜色
concerted /kənˈsɜːtɪd/adj.[only before noun] 努力的;共同筹划决定的;同心协
cosmetic /kɒzˈmetɪk/noun[usually pl.] 化妆品;美容品a substance tha
illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/verb1[VN] [usually passive] ~ sth (w
prompt /prɒmpt/adj.1立即;迅速的;及时的done without delay同义词: immedi
poise /pɔɪz/noun[U]1沉着自信;稳重;自若a calm and confident manner w
bill /bɪl/noun1账单a piece of paper that shows how much you ow
cause /kɔːz/noun1[C] 原因;起因the person or thing that makes sth
factor /ˈfæktə(r)/noun1[C] 因素;要素one of several things that c
tender /ˈtendər/adj.【不规则形式】 tenderer, tenderest1和善的;温柔的;亲切的;
temper /ˈtempər/noun1[C, usually sing., U] 脾气;易怒的性情if sb has
suggestion /səˈdʒestʃən/noun1[C] ~ (for/about/on sth) | ~ (t