
每日学英语 2023-08-02 09:11:52

Twitter owner Elon Musk announced Sunday that the app's world-renowned bird logo would be switched to an "X" later in the day.推特所有者埃隆·马斯克周日宣布,当天晚些时候,推特举世闻名的“蓝鸟”标志将被换成“X”。Musk had said the change would happen Monday, but he tweeted hours later that the "Interim X logo goes live later today."马斯克曾表示,这一变化将于周一落实,但几个小时后,他在推特上表示,“临时推出的‘X’标志将于今天晚些时候上线。”Early Sunday, Musk posted a short video of a flickering "X." Later in a Twitter Spaces audio chat, he replied "Yes" when he was asked whether the logo will change.周日早些时候,马斯克发布了一段“X”闪烁的短视频。后来,在推特空间的音频聊天中, 被问及标志是否会改变时,他回答说:“会”。"Yeah we're cutting the Twitter logo off the building with blow torches," he told an unknown speaker.他告诉一位匿名发言人:“是的,我们要用喷灯把推特的标志从大楼上取下来。”By Sunday afternoon the web address x.com, a domain returned to Musk in 2017 after it was relinquished under the merger that became PayPal, redirected to Twitter.截至周日下午,x.com这个域名又回到了马斯克手中,此前该域名被合并成了PayPal。目前,已重新回归到推特。The shift from bird imagery to that of a capital letter will be the latest big change since he bought Twitter for $44 billion last year.从“蓝鸟”形象到大写字母“X”的转变,将是自去年他以440亿美元收购推特后的最新重大变化。Musk tweeted that the idea of changing the logo to "X" is "To embody the imperfections in us all that make us unique."马斯克在推特上写道,把标志改成“X”是“为了体现我们身上独一无二的缺陷。”"And soon we shall bid adieu to the twitter brand and, gradually, all the birds," Musk wrote.马斯克写道:“很快,我们将告别推特品牌,并逐渐告别所有的蓝鸟标志。”

On Sunday, Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino said the branding change will introduce a major pivot for the microblogging platform, which she said will become a marketplace for "goods, services, and opportunities" powered by artificial intelligence.周日,推特首席执行官琳达·亚卡里诺表示,这一品牌变化将为微博平台带来重大改变。她说,将微博打造成一个由人工智能提供动力的“商品、服务和机会”的市场。"It's an exceptionally rare thing — in life or in business — that you get a second chance to make another big impression," the chief tweeted. "Twitter made one massive impression and changed the way we communicate. Now, X will go further, transforming the global town square."这位首席执行官在推特上写道:“无论是在生活中还是在商业中,你都能有第二次机会给人留下深刻印象,这是一件极其罕见的事情。” “推特给人留下了深刻的印象,改变了我们的交流方式。现在,‘X’标志将走得更远,改变全球城市广场。”

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