
小俞涉 2024-07-31 20:12:36



I see your monsters 我能洞察你内心的野兽

I see your pain 我感同身受

Tell me your problems 把问题告诉我

I'll chase them away 我会让它们烟消云散

I'll be your lighthouse 我会变成为你指路的灯塔

I'll make it okay 就放心交给我吧

When I see your monsters 当我看到你的心魔

I'll stand there so brave 我会直面它勇敢无畏

And chase them all away 让它们全都无影无踪

In the dark we we we 在那黑暗中我们啊我们

Stand apart we we 离得好远啊我们

Never see that the things we need are standing right at us 从未发现我们朝思暮想的东西就近在眼前

You just want to hide hide hide 你只想着匿影藏形

Never show your smile smile 从不让我看到你的微笑

Stand alone when you need someone 即使你渴望着某人也依旧形单影只

Its the hardest thing of all 这是世上最痛苦的事啊

that you see are the bad bad bad memories 你脑中只回响着惶惶不安 一塌糊涂 哀哀欲绝

Take your time and you'll find it 静下心来慢慢寻觅,你就会找到它

I see your monsters 我了解你内心的怨怒

I see your pain 我感同身受

Tell me your problems 向我倾诉一切

I'll chase them away 我会让它们烟消云散

I'll be your lighthouse 我就是你指路的灯塔

I'll make it okay 放心交给我吧

When I see your monsters 当我遇到你的心魔

I'll stand there so brave 我会屹立于此勇敢无畏

And chase them all away 然后让它们无影无踪

I could see the sky sky sky 我看见那湛蓝的天空

Beautiful tonight night 今夜的满天繁星

Oh when you breathe 哦在你的喘息之间

Why can't you see that the clouds are in your head 为什么你看不到你心中的乌云

I would stay near near near 我会陪在你身边

No need to fear fear 已无需恐惧

Oh when you need to talk it out 哦如果你想敞开心扉

With someone you can trust 记得去找你信任的那个人

What you see are the bad bad bad memories 你脑中只有惶惶不安 一塌糊涂 哀哀欲绝

Take you time and you'll find it 慢慢来别着急你就会找到它

I see your monsters 我看透了你内心的野兽

I see your pain 我感同身受

Tell me your problems 把问题告诉我

I'll chase them away 我要让它们烟消云散

I'll be your lighthouse 我是黑暗中的灯塔

I'll make it okay 我会让一切都好起来

When I see your monsters 当我遇到你的心魔

I'll stand there so brave 我不动分毫勇敢无畏

And chase them all away 让它们全都烟消云散

And chase them all away 让它们无影无踪

You've got the chance to see the light 你会有朝一日看到那道光

Even in the darkest nights 即使在那黯淡无光的夜

And I will be here like you were for me 我会陪在你身边就像你曾经为我做的那样

So just let me in 快对我敞开心扉

Cause I see your monsters 因为只有我看得到你心中的梦魇

I see your pain 我能感同身受

Tell me your problems 把问题告诉我

I'll chase them away 我让它们烟消云散

I'll be your lighthouse 我会成为你的灯塔

I'll make it okay 一切都会好起来

When I see your monsters 当我遇到你的心魔

I'll stand there so brave 我绝不退缩勇敢无畏

I see your monsters 我看到你的梦魇

I see your pain 我感同身受

Tell me your problems 把问题都告诉我

I'll chase them away 我会让它们无影无踪

I'll be your lighthouse 我就是黑暗中的灯塔

I'll make it okay 我会让一切都好起来

When I see your monsters 当我遇到你心中的野兽

I'll stand there so brave 我坚如磐石勇敢无畏

And chase them all away 让它们全都烟消云散

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