
上海外事商务咨询中心 2024-07-16 10:58:35

Temporary Accommodation Registration Form for Overseas Personnel refers to the form that must be presented and filled out by individuals without a Mainland Chinese ID card when staying in hotels, restaurants, inns, guesthouses, schools, enterprises, institutions, or other Chinese organizations, including government and group entities. Valid identification documents are required.


There are two types of temporary accommodation registration forms in Beijing: one is issued at the local police station, and the other at the Exit-Entry Administration Department. For those staying with residents, the form is obtained from the local police station. For those staying in hotels with foreign-related services, the form is obtained from the Exit-Entry Administration Department. The format is standardized for forms issued at police stations, while there is no fixed format for those issued at the Exit-Entry Administration Department. Lastly, the temporary accommodation registration form issued at the Exit-Entry Administration Department is only valid for the day it is issued and becomes void the next day.


Target Group:


Overseas personnel within China who do not stay in hotels, including those purchasing property, vehicles, renting houses, taking driving tests, seeking employment, or staying in institutions or private homes.


Required Documents:


Overseas personnel must provide a valid passport or other valid identification documents. Individuals or institutions hosting foreigners should also provide valid identification documents or organizational proof when declaring the accommodation registration on their behalf.


Handling Agencies:


Municipal Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, various municipal bureaus' foreign affairs departments, local police stations, and public security bureaus.


Legal Basis:


[For Taiwan Compatriots]


Regulations on the Administration of Travel between the Mainland and Taiwan" regarding temporary accommodation registration management.


Article 18: Taiwan residents who come to the mainland for a short term shall, in accordance with household registration regulations, go through temporary residence registration. When staying in hotels, restaurants, guesthouses, inns, schools, and other enterprises, institutions, or organizations, they shall fill in a temporary accommodation registration form. If staying with relatives or friends, the individual or the friend should go to the local police station or household registration office to handle temporary residence registration procedures within 24 hours (72 hours in rural areas).

第十八条 台湾居民短期来大陆,应当按照户口管理规定,办理暂住登记,在宾馆、饭店、招待所、旅店、学校等企业、事业单位或者机关、团体和其他机构内住宿的,应当填写临时住宿登记表,住在亲友家的,由本人或者亲友在24小时(农村72小时)内到当地公 安派出所或者户籍办公室办理暂住登记手续。

Article 37: Those who violate the provisions of Article 18 and 19, not going through temporary residence registration or temporary residence card procedures, shall be given a warning or a fine ranging from 100 to 500 yuan.


[For Overseas Individuals]


Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China" regarding temporary accommodation registration management.


Article 39: Hotels shall handle accommodation registration for foreigners in accordance with the regulations on the security management of the hotel industry and report the accommodation registration information of foreigners to the local public security authorities.


Foreigners residing or staying in other places other than hotels shall go through registration procedures with the local public security authorities within 24 hours after checking in, either personally or through the host.


Article 76: Warnings shall be given for any of the following circumstances, and a fine of up to 2,000 yuan may be imposed:


1.Foreigners who refuse to accept the inspection of their exit and entry documents by public security authorities;


2.Foreigners who refuse to present their residence documents;


3.Failure to register the birth of a foreigner as required;


4.Failure to handle changes in the registered items of a foreigner's residence documents as required;


5.Foreigners who use someone else's exit and entry documents within China;


6.Failure to register as stipulated in the second paragraph of Article 39.


Hotels that fail to handle the accommodation registration of foreigners as required shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Public Security Administration Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China"; those who fail to report the accommodation registration information of foreigners to public security authorities as required shall be given a warning; in serious cases, a fine ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 yuan shall be imposed.


Management Regulations:


Public Security Administration Punishments Law" regarding temporary accommodation registration management.


Article 56: Hotel staff who do not register the name, type, and number of the identity document of the guests as required, or who knowingly allow guests to bring dangerous substances into the hotel without stopping them, shall be fined between 200 and 500 yuan. Hotel staff who knowingly accommodate suspected criminals or wanted persons by the public security authorities and do not report to the public security authorities shall be fined between 200 and 500 yuan; in serious cases, detention of up to five days may be imposed, along with a fine of up to 500 yuan.

第五十六条 旅馆业的工作人员对住宿的旅客不按规定登记姓名、身份证件种类和号码的,或者明知住宿的旅客将危险物质带入旅馆,不予制止的,处二百元以上五百元以下罚款。旅馆业的工作人员明知住宿的旅客是犯罪嫌疑人员或者被公安机关通缉的人员,不向公安机关报告的,处二百元以上五百元以下罚款;情节严重的,处五日以下拘留,可以并处五百元以下罚款。

Article 57: Landlords who rent houses to people without identity documents, or who do not register the tenant's name, type, and number of the identity document as required, shall be fined between 200 and 500 yuan. Landlords who knowingly allow tenants to use the rented house for criminal activities and do not report to the public security authorities shall be fined between 200 and 500 yuan; in serious cases, detention of up to five days may be imposed, along with a fine of up to 500 yuan.

第五十七条 房屋出租人将房屋出租给无身份证件的人居住的,或者不按规定登记承租人姓名、身份证件种类和号码的,处二百元以上五百元以下罚款。房屋出租人明知承租人利用出租房屋进行犯罪活动,不向公安机关报告的,处二百元以上五百元以下罚款;情节严重的,处五日以下拘留,可以并处五百元以下罚款。



Attention to Detail When Filling Out the Temporary Accommodation Registration Form for Overseas Personnel


1.Foreigners must have an English name, and Chinese people must have a Chinese name. Do not use abbreviations for English names (on the photo page).


2.Nationality should be on the page with the photo. Do not fill in nationality as the permanent address. Taiwan should be written as "China Taiwan," and the same applies to Hong Kong and Macao.


3.When filling out a passport, the document number should be the passport number (on the photo page).


4.Entry date, entry location, visa number, issuing authority.


5.If the guest holds a "Chinese passport," the validity period of the stay should be written as the passport's validity period, and the guest's current place of residence (abroad) should be filled in as the permanent address.


6.Remember the principle of "register first, then stay," strictly implement it, and ask the supervisor or the exit-entry management detachment for unclear issues in a timely manner. If a visa has expired, remind the guest to renew it first.


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