
旧游成梦寐 2024-05-17 21:31:42


We often say that being mindful is very important, and being mindful is very important. This is very right. When we have a certain level of motivation towards something, the outcome is already predetermined.


When you have a strong intention, it is like sending an invitation letter to the universe, sending a strong energy wave. The universe will definitely give back this signal to you. The stronger your intention, the more beneficial it is to the world. The greater the possibility that this intention will manifest in the external reality world.


What leads to the outcome presented to you in this world is definitely not the method, but your thoughts, which is your wish. Making wishes is truly powerful, but it must come from the spiritual level.


The so-called method is to learn to pray upwards!


Its essence lies in the penetrating power of energy, and the higher the Dharma realm, the more energy fulcrums it possesses. The key lies in how we can allow our signals to penetrate all obstacles in the Dharma realm and reach the higher levels smoothly.


The bottom layer of belief is the resonance of the life system, which is a two-way journey. Therefore, when practicing Taoism, one should focus on aligning our beliefs with those of higher levels.


After having a stable belief, it is about repairing all energy, wisdom, merit, and continuously cultivating and cultivating specific life system problems.


So making daily wishes and taking action is to cultivate our energy channels with the higher levels of the Dharma realm.


Once your aspiration and wish can reach the highest level, the next step is how to accumulate your energy and comply with its exchange rules. The only breakthrough Xu Ya has made here is to persistently focus on doing things that benefit sentient beings!


An energy pipeline with penetrating power and emitting power can quickly fulfill our wishes.


However, the energy of the seal will be instantly stimulated!


If a person doesn't make a wish or accumulate virtue internally, how can their external appearance be revealed?

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