
铸商情 2024-03-16 10:23:52

2024年3月7日,美国铸造协会(AFS)的企业会员,位于印第安纳州奥本的金属技术公司(Metal Technologies Inc.,简称MTI)宣布收购拥有两个铝压铸和挤压铸造工厂以及一个球墨铸铁铸造厂的Key 3 Casting LLC。

Metal Technologies Acquires Key 3 Castings

March 7, 2024

AFS Corporate Member Metal Technologies Inc. (MTI) of Auburn, Indiana, has acquired Key 3 Casting LLC, which owns and operates two aluminum die and squeeze casting facilities as well as a ductile iron foundry.

此次交易涉及的工厂包括位于田纳西州杰克逊的杰克逊压铸有限责任公司(Jackson Die Casting LLC)、位于明尼阿波利斯的明尼阿波利斯压铸有限责任公司(Minneapolis Die Casting LLC)以及位于明尼苏达州希宾的北方铸造厂(Northern Foundry)。这些工厂的年销售额总计约为7400万美元,拥有约300名员工。

The facilities involved in the sale include Jackson Die Casting LLC in Jackson, Tennessee; Minneapolis Die Casting LLC in Minneapolis; and Northern Foundry in Hibbing, Minnesota. The combined operations have approximately $74 million in annual sales and 300 employees.

MTI总裁马修·费特(Matthew Fetter)表示:“收购Key 3是MTI战略计划的重要组成部分,旨在增强我们的金属铸造能力,以满足客户的长期需求。Key 3的收购使我们获得了压铸、挤压铸造、增值服务以及小型球墨铸铁铸造的能力。此外,位于田纳西州杰克逊的工厂为我们提供了一个平台,以应对南方制造业的增长。”

“The Key 3 acquisition is an integral part of MTI’s strategic plan to grow our metal casting capabilities to serve our customers’ long-term needs,” said MTI President Matthew Fetter. “The Key 3 acquisition gives us die casting, squeeze casting, value add services and small ductile iron casting capability. In addition, the location in Jackson, Tennessee provides us with a platform to meet the growth of manufacturing in the South.

他补充说:“我们明显看到了市场上的一个长期趋势,即通过设计更小、更轻的铸铁部件或使用更轻的材料如铝来减少铸件重量。Key 3的收购不仅为MTI提供了世界级的制造版图以满足市场需求,还为我们带来了一支出色的技术和管理团队来执行我们的战略计划。我们对欢迎Key 3团队成员加入MTI大家庭的机会感到兴奋。

“We definitely see a long-term trend in the marketplace to reduce casting weight by engineering smaller, lighter iron components or by utilizing lighter materials such as aluminum,” he added. “The Key 3 acquisition not only provides MTI with a world manufacturing footprint for meeting market demand but provides us with an excellent technical and management team to execute our strategic plan. We are excited about the opportunities of welcoming the Key 3 team members into the MTI family.


“Northern Foundry is a natural addition to our already strong position in iron castings with a special niche in small, lightweight ductile iron castings.”

图片来自:Metal Technologies Inc.官网


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