
国礼收藏时代名家 2025-02-02 17:13:27


2025 New Year's grand offering! Specially recommended world-class pioneers in the art world! Outstanding calligraphers and painters distinct contemporary style! Their works cover a wide range of styles and schools, from traditional to modern, from realistic to abstract, each piece reflects the artists' unique insights innovative spirit. They express their blessings and expectations for the new year with their brush and ink, and show the charm of traditional Chinese culture in a unique artistic form. continue promoting the prosperity of international culture, building a strong cultural country, and constructing the modern civilization of the Chinese nation on a new starting point is our new cultural mission the new era. We need to be confident in our culture, take on the mission, strive for progress, and work together to create a new culture belonging to our, build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and show world-class level art works, and promote world art pioneers and cultural contributors!

唐忠球,1965年生,湖南人。五个一工程奖获得者,国务院政府特殊津贴专家,中国书法大家,一级美术师,一级书法师,全国首批非遗大国工匠,世界和平艺术贡献者,21世纪中国文化艺术人才, 中国优秀传统文化人才,湖南省“三区”科技人才,湖南省农科院高级畜牧师。硕士研究生毕业后做过教师、省属国企高管、公务员和科研单位工作。

中国国家博物馆特约研究员,中国通俗文艺研究会理事,中国红色文化研究会党史教育工委理事,国智办文化艺术研究院荣誉教授,中国文联书画艺术交流中心特聘顾问、副主席,中国书画家杂志社名誉社长,国际文学艺术联合会书法家协会名誉主席,中国书画研究中心副主任,中国企业文化促进会高级艺术顾问,中国东方文化研究会高级书法研究员, 孔子奖章组织委员会艺术研究员,中国书法家协会会员,中国文促会会员,中国民族建筑研究会艺专委会员,中国服务贸易协会国际委理事,中国书法院院士,翰林院特聘教授,中国翰林书画院院士,世界非物质文化遗产研究院特邀院士、副院长,中央电视台《艺术名家》特聘艺术顾问,香港电视台签约书画家,澳门文交所签约艺术家,中艺联合信息科学研究院特聘书画专家,华夏国艺(北京)书画中心特聘专家,海口国艺委书画艺术博物馆馆长,海南国联文艺研修院博士生院导师,北京胡润国际艺术鉴定中心首席专家,全国人民艺术家信用管理中心书艺委主席。


作品《丝绸问道》获2024年第十六届精神文明建设五个一工程优秀美术作品奖。第二届“一带一路”美美与共国际艺术交流展获作品金奖和优秀指导老师。第十二届全国规范汉字书写大会软笔一等奖。全国第六届“中国书法院杯”书画大展荣获特别金奖。艺术与和平·首届国际艺术名家网络双年展优秀作品奖。“丝路艺术 共创繁荣”全国书画名家丝路艺术大展杰出贡献奖。作品《赓续历史文脉 谱写当代华章》被佛罗伦萨美术学院永久收藏。作品《天行健君子以自强不息地势坤君子以厚德载物》被列宾美术学院永久收藏。书籍入编《学习和实践三个代表》《当代思想宝库》《中国美术通史》《中国美术史》《百年巨匠》《国际非遗领军人物》《世界国宝级艺术名师收藏大典》《从北京到巴黎》和《金砖艺术家》5位五国代表作品集。入编新华社《灿烂中国》栏目经典作品展播。入选江山如此多娇《中国邮册》,新时代人民艺术家唐忠球大型珍藏邮册发行。入选纪录片《艺术传奇》·书法篇。入选中国商业股份制企业经济联合会主办二十一世纪国宝书画艺术《收藏指南》。书法作品《百年未有之大变局》获中央美院、西班牙基金会和纽约亚州艺术基金会等主办的第六届社会美育国际艺术节特等奖。


润格:国内市场 2万元/平方尺,国外市场 3万美元/平方尺。






2003 年《直面入世挑战 加快完善国企法人治理结构》获中国管理科学研究院中国新时期人文科学成果一等奖。12月入选《中国国情报告 建设小康社会的伟大实践》文献,被评为一等奖。




2022年作品《中国梦》获国宾礼艺术鉴定评审委员会鉴定证书。《养德泽福》通过国宾礼特供(外事)管理中心审查,艺术品被中心收藏。出版《大道同行 中国艺坛名家雅集》5人作品集、《大美无疆 共通共享》个人作品专集。入编《经济》第 2 期、《中外艺术》二十大特刊、网络《名人辞典》、《大国大家杰出艺术家优选人才》、《2022年度中国非遗传承人年鉴》。

2023年出版《金砖艺术家》5位五国代表作品集、《中国艺术楷模》唐忠球|孙晓云作品集,《炫彩中国》唐忠球丨范迪安作品集、《一带一路》十周年个人作品集。入编《中国美术通史》、《中国美术史》、《强国人才-新时代国礼艺术名家档案精选》。作品《冬夜读书示子聿》入选中国文艺网中华数字艺术馆,被中华文艺资源数据库、中华数字艺术城收录。8 月中国东方文化研究会授予了首届最具影响力社会艺术人物。12 月联合国艺术人才发展委员会国际人才理事会授予了金砖艺术家文化宣传大使。入选江山如此多娇纪念伟人诞辰一百三十周年主题《中国邮册》,新时代人民艺术家唐忠球大型珍藏邮册发行。

2023年入展中国国家画院美术馆主办的传薪•全国书画名家邀请展。入展雁栖湖《汉风唐韵 丝路万千》第一届国际文化节艺术名家作品展。入展中国楹联《水墨流觞蕴诗意 润雅如玉齐鲁风》新时代楹联书画名家邀请展。入展艺术之巅看中国·大美中华纽约时代广场海外展播。入展洛杉矶2023·大美中国·第八届中美书画名家作品展。入展中央美院廊坊馆《丝路艺术 共创繁荣》全国书画名家丝路艺术大展。入展北京民族文化宫展览馆江山如此多娇第四届当代艺术名家精品书画展。入展2023一带一路国际艺术巡展(匈牙利)。入展日本东京2023友爱和平中日书画名家邀请展。入展广州南北新象首届南北当代名家学术邀请展。应邀创作《中国梦》参加国家游泳中心(水立方)釉上星彩地面瓷绘集群展示项目。

2024年应邀参加中国艺术家代表·全球大拜年纽约时代广场作品展播。入选《中国教育科学》2024年第5期封面人物专题报道。作品《丝绸问道》获第十六届精神文明建设五个一工程优秀美术作品奖。全球艺术联盟2024年艺术与和平_首届国际艺术名家网络双年展中获优秀作品奖、和平与艺术大使和世界和平艺术贡献者奖牌。全国第六届中国书法院杯书画大展荣获特别金奖。作品《红日东山起 大唐神韵来》入展BESETO美术节北京特展并在中国华侨历史博物馆展出。作品《开放引领发展 合作共赢未来》参加中国文促会新丝路国际艺术巡展(法国巴黎)。参与五星出东方活动,应邀创作《赓续历史文脉 谱写当代华章》被佛罗伦萨美术学院永久收藏。入编中国民族建筑研究会书艺委年鉴(2023)。入选“文化两创 自信自强”国际非遗领军人物活动。入编中国文联出版社《民族脊梁 时代标杆》艺术家作品集。入选三地风华-港澳台书法作品网络大展。入编《从北京到巴黎》中法艺术奥林匹克名家名作。2024年圣地传薪首届全国书画名家华彩盛典颁发非遗文化杰出传承人荣誉称号。入选中国商业股份制企业经济联合会主办的二十一世纪国宝书画艺术《收藏指南》2024年第1期。作品《百年未有之大变局》入选第六届中国书法·南亭书展。入编经典与传承_非遗技艺传承人名录。入编中国近现代艺坛传奇人物《百年巨匠》。入编中国美术出版社《时代巨匠 为人民创作》纪念珍藏册。入展中国书画家联谊会主办的《与人民同行》庆祝新中国成立75周年书画作品展。入选2025《首届非遗中国年》我为春节代言活动。

Tang Zhongqiu, born in 1965, is from Hunan. Winner of the Five One Project Award, expert with special government allowance from the State Council, master of Chinese calligraphy, first-class artist, first-class calligrapher, one of the first batch of craftsmen in China's intangible cultural heritage countries, contributor to world peace art, 21st century Chinese cultural and artistic talent, outstanding traditional Chinese cultural talent, scientific and technological talent in the "Three Zones" of Hunan Province, and senior livestock engineer at the Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. After graduating with a master's degree, I have worked as a teacher, executive of a provincial state-owned enterprise, civil servant, and in a research institution.

Special Researcher at the National Museum of China, Director of the China Popular Literature and Art Research Association, Director of the Party History Education Working Committee of the China Red Culture Research Association, Honorary Professor at the Cultural and Art Research Institute of the State Intellectual Property Office, Special Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Honorary President of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Miscellaneous Society, Honorary Chairman of the Calligraphers Association of the International Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Deputy Director of the China Calligraphy and Painting Research Center, Senior Art Advisor of the China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association, Senior Calligraphy Researcher of the China Oriental Culture Research Association, Art Researcher of the Confucius Medal Organizing Committee, Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Member of the China Cultural Promotion Association, Member of the Art Expert Committee of the China National Architecture Research Association, Director of the International Committee of the China Service Trade Association, Academician of the, Distinguished Academician and Vice President of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, Distinguished Art Consultant of CCTV's "Artist", Contract Painter and Calligrapher of Hong Kong Television, Contract Artist of Macao Cultural Exchange, Distinguished Painting and Calligraphy Expert of China Arts Union Information Science Research Institute, Distinguished Expert of Huaxia National Arts (Beijing) Painting and Calligraphy Center, Curator of Haikou National Arts Council Painting and Calligraphy Museum, Doctoral Supervisor of Hainan Guolian Literature and Art Research Institute, Chief Expert of Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center, Chairman of National People's Artists Credit Management Center Painting and Calligraphy Committee.

Awarded the 2024 International Communication Award for Calligraphy and Painting Art, Outstanding Inheritor of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Leading Figure of International Intangible Cultural Heritage, National Treasure level Art Master, New Era People's Artist, State Guest Artist, State Gift Artist, International Peace Artist, BRICS Artist Cultural Propaganda Ambassador, US China Cultural Envoy APEC Artist, Hangzhou Asian Games Art Ambassador, United Nations Climate Conference Image Ambassador, Global Promotion Ambassador of Chinese Culture, Contemporary Positive Literature and Art Worker of the Internet Celebrity Dictionary "Time Benchmark", Invited Mentor of the Beautiful China Program Group, Influential Figure of the Times in the High School Student Channel "Strong Country in the Times", Creative Communication Art Ambassador of "Tell China's Story Well", Outstanding Artist of a Great Nation in "Cultural Power", Excellent Mentor of "Picasso International Painting Competition" (Finals), Nominated for Hurun's 2023 Top 100 Chinese Artists List, First Most Influential Social Art Figure, Ministry of Culture and Tourism "China Painting and Calligraphy Highest Honor Award" and other honorary titles.

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