
小雁的记事本 2024-02-07 07:54:31
ISC2024丨盛会在即!30余项最新研究成果将重磅发布 2024年国际卒中大会(ISC)将于北京时间2月8~10日,在美国-亚利桑那州凤凰城会议中心盛大开幕。此次会议,日程设置形式多样,其中Main Event专场、Late-Breaking Science专场将重磅发布30余项最新研究结果。现将部分研究日程整理如下,赶快加入您的行程吧! 2月8日(北京时间),Opening Main Event ZODIAC - LB1. Zero Degree Head Positioning in Acute Large Vessel Ischemic Stroke ZODIAC研究:急性大血管缺血性卒中的零度头部定位 RESILIENT-Extend - LB2. Randomization of Endovascular Treatment with Stent-retriever and/or Thromboaspiration vs. Best Medical Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke due to Large VEssel OcclusioN Trial in the Extended Time Window RESILIENT-Extend研究:在延长的时间窗中,大血管闭塞急性缺血性卒中患者的支架取栓和/或血栓抽吸血管内治疗与最佳药物治疗 MOST- LB3. Multi-Arm Optimization of Stroke Thrombolysis Trial MOST研究:脑卒中溶栓治疗的多臂优化试验 2月9日(北京时间),Thursday Main Event TREND - LB12. Intravenous Tirofiban Reduces Early Neurological Deterioration in Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Trend Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial TREND随机对照研究:静脉注射替罗非班减少急性缺血性卒中早期神经退化 LB13. Uric Acid Supplementation Provides Cerebroprotection Across Different Animal Species, Sex, Age and Comorbidities: A Report From the Stroke Preclinical Assessment Network (SPAN) SPAN报告:补充尿酸在不同种类、性别、年龄和合并症动物中的脑保护作用 LB14. Rescue on Reperfusion Damage in Cerebral Infarction by Nelonemdaz: A Phase III Trial 一项III期试验:Nelonemdaz对脑梗死再灌注损伤的救治 Golden Bridge II - LB15. Effect of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Clinical Decision Support System on Stroke Care Quality and Outcomes in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke : A Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial Golden Bridge II集群随机临床试验:基于人工智能的临床决策支持系统对急性缺血性脑卒中患者卒中护理质量和预后的影响 2月10日(北京时间),Closing Main Event EMBOLISE: LB28. Embolization of the Middle Meningeal Artery With OnyxTM Liquid Embolic System in the Treatment of Subacute and Chronic Subdural Hematoma EMBOLISE研究:OnyxTM液体栓塞系统栓塞脑膜中动脉治疗亚急性和慢性硬膜下血肿 MAGIC-MT: LB29. The MAGIC-MT Trial: Managing Non-Acute Subdural Hematoma Using Liquid Materials: A Chinese Randomized Trial of Middle Meningeal Artery Treatment 一项中国脑膜中动脉治疗的MAGIC-MT随机试验:使用液体材料治疗非急性硬膜下血肿 STOP-CAD: LB30. Antithrombotic Treatment for Stroke Prevention in Cervical Artery Dissection: The STOP-CAD Study STOP-CAD研究:抗血栓治疗预防颈动脉夹层卒中 STEM: LB31. STEM (The Squid Trial for the Embolization of the MMA for the treatment of CSDH) STEM研究:使用 Squid 栓塞脑膜中动脉(MMA)治疗CSDH LB32. Delayed Therapy With Humanized Anti-Sdc2 mAb Prevents Formation of Vasogenic Edema and Promotes Neuroprotection in Non-Human Primates With Ischemic Stroke 人源抗sdc2单抗延迟治疗可预防缺血性脑卒中非人灵长类动物血管源性水肿的形成并促进神经保护 CHABLIS-II: LB33. Tenecteplase Thrombolysis for Stroke Up to 24 Hours After Onset With Perfusion Imaging Selection: The CHABLIS-T II Randomized Clinical Trial CHABLIS-T II随机临床试验:卒中发病24小时灌注成像筛选后应用替奈普酶溶栓治疗 LB34. Machine Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Detection of Stroke Symptoms and Bell's Palsy 自主检测卒中症状和贝尔面瘫的机器学习算法 RAISE: LB35. Reteplase Treating Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke (RAISE): A Phase 3, Multi-Centre, Open-Label, Randomised Controlled, Non-Inferiority Trial 一项III期、多中心、开放标签、随机对照、非劣效性RAISE研究:瑞替普酶治疗急性缺血性卒中患者 INSPIRES: LB36. Dual Antiplatelet Therapy and Immediate Intensive Statin in Mild Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: The INSPIRES Randomized Clinical Trial INSPIRES随机临床试验:双联抗血小板治疗和即刻强化他汀类药物治疗轻度缺血性卒中或短暂性脑缺血发作 SELECT2: LB6. Long-Term Outcomes and EVT Treatment Effect From Randomized Controlled Trial of Endovascular Thrombectomy for Large Ischemic Strokes SELECT2研究:血管内取栓术治疗大面积缺血性卒中的长期疗效及EVT治疗效果
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