英 [hiːv] 美 [hiːv]
① 《The Guardian》 (2023年10月19日)
Rescuers heaved the debris aside, desperate to reach survivors beneath.
② 《Scientific American》 (2024年6月8日)
The ocean heaved under the storm, sending waves crashing against the shore.
① 《白鲸》(Moby-Dick)——赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 (1851年)
The ship heaved and groaned as the whale struck its side.
② 《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the d’Urbervilles)——托马斯·哈代 (1891年)
Her chest heaved with sobs she could no longer suppress.
◉Usage Notes
(1) He hove a chair through the window.
(2) Heave the rocks into the ravine.
(3) It's a very bad thing to heave things around.
(4) A performance like that makes me want to heave up.
(5) With one more heave, we got the box onto the shelf.
(6) He gave the discus a tremendous heave.
(7) I felt the soil creep and heave beneath me, like some monstrous serpent.
(1) 他把椅子从窗户中抛出。
(2) 把这些石头扔进深谷里。
(3) 把东西到处乱扔是很不好的习惯。
(4) 像那样的表演简直令我作呕。
(5) 我们再使把劲,就把箱子抬到架子上了。
(6) 他猛一使劲掷出铁饼。
(7) 我觉得大地在我下面起伏蠕动,象一条可怕的巨蟒。
◉Usage Examples
When you heave something, you haul or lift a heavy object. You might not realize how fat your cat has become until you have to heave him out of the way to make room for yourself on the sofa.
You heave a heavy object when you lift it, like when you heave piles of wet snow out of your driveway with a shovel, and you can heave yourself out of bed in the morning, if it takes a huge effort to get yourself into a vertical position. You can even heave a heavy sigh, which simply means you sigh loudly. To vomit is also sometimes described as heaving, describing the unpleasant effort of your stomach muscles.
The forms heaves, heaving, heaved are used for meanings 1 to 4, and for the phrasal verb. The forms heaves, heaving, hove are used for meaning 5. 变化形式 heaves、heaving 和 heaved 用于义项1至4及短语动词。变化形式heaves、heaving 和 hove 用于义项5。
1. [VERB 动词](用力地)推,拉,拖,举起 If you heave something heavy or difficult to move somewhere, you push, pull, or lift it using a lot of effort. [V n prep/adv]
It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place...
He heaved Barney to his feet...
He heaved himself up off his stool.
Heave is also a noun.
It took only one heave to hurl him into the river.
2. [VERB 动词](有节奏地)起伏 If something heaves, it moves up and down with large regular movements. [V] [V-ing]
His chest heaved, and he took a deep breath.
...the grey, heaving seas.