
名家艺术 2024-06-17 15:08:08

中国   昆明云纺博物馆地址:西山区环城南路668号策展人:陈岚、姜涛参展收藏家:张宏、姜涛、依苏婉娜、洪培峰展览执行人:杨丽芳李莹潘毅张经丽云纺博物馆协办品牌:鹅本位大地物源刘闻山轿子山泉山海陈茶会学术支持:中宣部对外文化交流(文化贸易)研究基地成员单位中国国际贸易学会服务贸易专业委员会云南美术出版社云茶品鉴职业技能培训学校媒体主持:昆明信息港、云纺新媒体中心

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张宏,自由艺术家、策展人,中国徐悲鸿油画院副秘书长、农工党厦门文化艺术专委会副主任。现生活工作与厦门、墨尔本。张宏先生曾先后求学于厦门大学、北京大学首届博雅艺术高研班、中央社会主义学院,并身兼艺术品收藏家、艺术品鉴定师、艺术品评估师、艺术品经纪人等多重角色。在四十年的艺术生涯中,他不仅发现和推出了众多知名的当代艺术家和艺术作品,更是国内推动艺术品证券化最早的践行者,在海内外赢得了广泛赞誉,并因其在多个艺术领域内的卓越成就和专业眼光,出任中央电视台财经频道(CCTV2)书画人物志艺术总监(2011)、厦门台湾艺术研究院院士、美国书画艺术研究院客座教授、澳洲L家族艺术品投资理财顾问等职。在新兴的NFT数字藏品领域,张宏先生于2019年率先推出《孙悟空·元宇宙一号》系列,是以“元宇宙”概念推动传统大漆艺术与数字艺术相结合的探路者和先行者。大事记:2022年10月,参加庆祝中韩建交30周年《中韩墨韵•中韩艺术交流展》并获得创新奖(首尔美术馆);2022年4月,荣获文化部文化艺术人才资料数据库创新文化保护证书,《元宇宙》荣获艺术创新传承资质证书;2022年3月,参加中国土耳其坦泊尔国际书画展•荣获创新金奖;2022年8月8日举办《影视艺术•大爱逐光/名人艺术作品联展全国巡展》;2015年中国徐悲鸿油画院副秘书长;2014年受聘为中国台湾省艺术研究院院士兼副秘书长;2013结业于北京大学首届博雅艺术高研班并考取(文物艺术品鉴定师、艺术品评估师、艺术品经纪人三大证书);2011年中央电视台财经频道(CCTV2)书画人物志艺术总监;2010年7月策划深圳文化产权交易所1号艺术品资产包——杨培江艺术品资产包并获评2010年影响中国艺术市场十件大事之一;2009年农工党福建省委文化艺术专委会副主任;2009年中央社会主义学院结业;2008年北京798当代艺术区设立宏艺术中心;2007年加入中国农工民主党;1992年创办厦门宏宝斋,获评全国文联星级画廊;1986至1995年厦门大学艺术教育学院书画装裱部主任。媒体报导:接受央视财经频道(CCTV2)、中国香港凤凰卫视、厦门电视台沟通栏目、厦门海峡卫视《北京访谈》、《雅昌艺术网》、《艺术市场》、《艺术财经》、《画廊杂志》、《厦门日报》《星州日报》、《北京商报》等专访。文章发表:《藏画奇缘》、《艺术家公盘让大众分享艺术价值》、《中国艺术品市场三大问题与解决方案》、《艺术品走到证券化的可能性》、《如何收藏投资当代艺术》、《当代艺术需要等待》、《从传统走到当代》、《中外画廊的异同与收藏心得》、《艺术家一画廊一收藏家的三大关系》、《宏宝斋》、《宏图宝藏一宏宝斋二十周年》、《当代中国书画名家》等。作品收藏:《银河宝物NO2》(万达集团收藏);《演技》(油画)著名演员唐国强先生收藏;《山海经糸列NO1》苏女士收藏;《银河宝物NO1》(大漆)著名主持人金星女士收藏;《天眼系列NO4》波拉提先生收藏;《元宇宙系列NO5》林先生收藏。Mr. Zhang Hong,a freelance artist and curator, is the Vice Secretary-General of the Xu Beihong Oil Painting Institute of China and the Deputy Director of the Xiamen Cultural and Art Committee of the Agricultural Workers' Party. He currently resides and works in Xiamen and Melbourne.Mr. Zhang Hong has studied successively at Xiamen University, the first cohort of the Peking University Liberal Arts Art Advanced Research Class, and the Central Institute of Socialism. He also wears multiple hats as an art collector, art appraiser, art valuer, and art broker. In his forty-year artistic career, he has not only discovered and promoted numerous well-known contemporary artists and artworks but also pioneered the securitization of artworks in China, earning widespread acclaim both domestically and internationally. Due to his outstanding achievements and professional insight in multiple artistic fields, he has held positions such as the Art Director of the Financial Channel of China Central Television (CCTV2) (2011), Academician of the Xiamen Taiwan Art Research Institute, Visiting Professor at the American Institute of Calligraphy and Painting, and Art Investment Advisor for the L Family in Australia.In the emerging field of NFT digital collections, Mr. Zhang Hong took the lead in 2019 with the launch of the "Sun Wukong? Metaverse No.1" series, serving as a pioneer and trailblazer in combining traditional lacquer art with digital art under the concept of "metaverse".Highlights:In October 2022, participated in the "Sino-Korean Ink Rhyme•Sino-Korean Art Exchange Exhibition" celebrating the 30th anniversary of Sino-Korean diplomatic relations and received the Innovation Award at the Seoul Museum of Art.In April 2022, was awarded the Certificate of Innovative Cultural Protection by the Ministry of Culture and the Certificate of Artistic Innovation Inheritance for "Metaverse".In March 2022, participated in the China-Turkey Tanpınar International Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition and won the Innovative Gold Award.On August 8, 2022, organized the "Film and Television Art•Great Love Towards Light/Celebrity Artworks Joint Exhibition National Tour".Served as the Deputy Secretary-General of the Xu Beihong Oil Painting Institute of China in 2015.Appointed as an Academician and Deputy Secretary-General of the Art Research Institute of Taiwan Province, China, in 2014.Graduated from the first cohort of the Peking University Liberal Arts Art Advanced Research Class in 2013 and obtained certifications as an appraiser of cultural relics and artworks, as well as an art broker.Served as the Art Director of the Financial Channel of China Central Television (CCTV2) in 2011.In July 2010, planned the first art asset package at the Shenzhen Cultural Property Rights Exchange, the "Yang Peijiang Art Asset Package", which was recognized as one of the top ten events influencing the Chinese art market in 2010.Deputy Director of the Cultural and Art Committee of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Agricultural Workers' Party in 2009.Graduated from the Central Institute of Socialism in 2009.Established the Hong Art Center in Beijing's 798 Art District in 2008.Joined the Chinese Agricultural Workers' Democratic Party in 2007.Founded the Xiamen Hongbao Gallery in 1992, recognized as a national level gallery by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.Served as the Director of the Calligraphy and Painting Mounting Department at Xiamen University's School of Art Education from 1986 to 1995.Media Coverage:Featured in interviews by CCTV2, Phoenix TV Hong Kong, Xiamen TV's Communication Program, Xiamen Strait TV's "Beijing Interview", Artron.net, Art Market, Art Finance, Gallery Magazine, Xiamen Daily, Star Zhou Daily, Beijing Business Daily, and others.Published Articles:"Wonders of Hidden Paintings", "Artists' Public Platforms Allow the Public to Share Artistic Value", "Three Major Issues and Solutions in the Chinese Art Market", "The Possibility of Art Moving Towards Securitization", "How to Collect and Invest in Contemporary Art", "Contemporary Art Requires Patience", "From Tradition to Contemporary", "Similarities and Differences between Chinese and Foreign Galleries and Collection Experiences", "The Three Relationships between Artists, Galleries, and Collectors", "Hongbao Gallery", "Hongbao Treasure: The 20th Anniversary of Hongbao Gallery", "Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters", and others.Artwork Collections:"Galactic Treasure NO.2" (collected by Wanda Group);"Acting" (oil painting) collected by renowned actor Tang Guoqiang;"Classic of Mountains and Seas Series NO.1" collected by Ms. Su;"Galactic Treasure NO.1" (lacquer) collected by famous host Jin Xing;"Eye of Heaven Series NO.4" collected by Mr. Borat;"Metaverse Series NO.5" collected by Mr. Lin.

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