加州大学最近的一项研究介绍了一种名为SPIN(Self Play fIne tuNing)的新技术。SPIN从AlphaGo Zero和AlphaZero等游戏中成功的自我对弈机制中汲取灵感。它能够使LLM参与自我游戏的能力。这消除了对专业注释者的需求,无论是人类还是更高级的模型(如GPT-4)。SPIN涉及训练一个新的语言模型,并通过一系列迭代来区分它自己生成的响应和人类生成的响应。最终目标是开发得到一种语言模型,使其产生的反应与人类产生的反应没有区别。
自我博弈自我博弈是一种算法通过对抗自身副本来学习的技术。这种方法增加了学习环境的挑战性和复杂性,允许代理与自己的不同版本进行交互。例如AlphaGo Zero,就是一个自我博弈的案例。
主模型(新LLM) -这个代理的角色是学习如何区分由语言模型(LLM)生成的响应和由人类创建的响应。在每个迭代中,主模型是正在积极训练的LLM。其目标是提高其识别和区分反应的能力。
对手模型(旧LLM) -对手模型的任务是生成与人类产生的反应没有区别的结果。对手模型是来自前一个迭代(轮)的LLM。它使用自我博弈机制,根据过去的知识产生结果。对手模型的目标是创造逼真的反应,让新的LLM无法判断他是否是机器生成的。
原论文采用Zephyr-7B-SFT-Full作为基本模型。对于数据集,他们使用了更大的Ultrachat200k语料库的子集,该语料库由使用OpenAI的Turbo api生成的大约140万个对话组成。他们随机抽取了50k个提示,并使用基本模型来生成合成响应。
# Import necessary librariesfrom datasets import load_datasetimport pandas as pd# Load the Ultrachat 200k datasetultrachat_dataset = load_dataset("HuggingFaceH4/ultrachat_200k")# Initialize an empty DataFramecombined_df = pd.DataFrame()# Loop through all the keys in the Ultrachat datasetfor key in ultrachat_dataset.keys(): # Convert each dataset key to a pandas DataFrame and concatenate it with the existing DataFrame combined_df = pd.concat([combined_df, pd.DataFrame(ultrachat_dataset[key])])# Shuffle the combined DataFrame and reset the indexcombined_df = combined_df.sample(frac=1, random_state=123).reset_index(drop=True)# Select the first 50,000 rows from the shuffled DataFrameultrachat_50k_sample = combined_df.head(50000)
作者的提示模板“### Instruction: {prompt}\n\n### Response:”
# for storing each template in a listtemplates_data = []for index, row in ultrachat_50k_sample.iterrows(): messages = row['messages'] # Check if there are at least two messages (user and assistant) if len(messages) >= 2: user_message = messages[0]['content'] assistant_message = messages[1]['content'] # Create the template instruction_response_template = f"### Instruction: {user_message}\n\n### Response: {assistant_message}" # Append the template to the list templates_data.append({'Template': instruction_response_template})# Create a new DataFrame with the generated templates (ground truth)ground_truth_df = pd.DataFrame(templates_data)
SPIN算法有两个循环。内部循环基于我们正在使用的样本数量运行,外部循环总共运行了3次迭代,因为作者发现模型的性能在此之后没有变化。采用Alignment Handbook库作为微调方法的代码库,结合DeepSpeed模块,降低了训练成本。他们用RMSProp优化器训练Zephyr-7B-SFT-Full,所有迭代都没有权重衰减,就像通常用于微调llm一样。全局批大小设置为64,使用bfloat16精度。迭代0和1的峰值学习率设置为5e-7,迭代2和3的峰值学习率随着循环接近自播放微调的结束而衰减为1e-7。最后选择β = 0.1,最大序列长度设置为2048个标记。下面就是这些参数
# Importing the PyTorch libraryimport torch# Importing the neural network module from PyTorchimport torch.nn as nn# Importing the DeepSpeed library for distributed trainingimport deepspeed# Importing the AutoTokenizer and AutoModelForCausalLMes from the transformers libraryfrom transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM# Loading the zephyr-7b-sft-full model from HuggingFacetokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("alignment-handbook/zephyr-7b-sft-full")model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("alignment-handbook/zephyr-7b-sft-full")# Initializing DeepSpeed Zero with specific configuration settingsdeepspeed_config = deepspeed.config.Config(train_batch_size=64, train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu=4)model, optimizer, _, _ = deepspeed.initialize(model=model, config=deepspeed_config, model_parameters=model.parameters())# Defining the optimizer and setting the learning rate using RMSpropoptimizer = deepspeed.optim.RMSprop(optimizer, lr=5e-7)# Setting up a learning rate scheduler using LambdaLR from PyTorchscheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer, lambda epoch: 0.2 ** epoch)# Setting hyperparameters for trainingnum_epochs = 3max_seq_length = 2048beta = 0.1
# zephyr-sft-dataframe (that contains output that will be improved while training)zephyr_sft_output = pd.DataFrame(columns=['prompt', 'generated_output'])# Looping through each row in the 'ultrachat_50k_sample' dataframefor index, row in ultrachat_50k_sample.iterrows(): # Extracting the 'prompt' column value from the current row prompt = row['prompt'] # Generating output for the current prompt using the Zephyr model input_ids = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").input_ids output = model.generate(input_ids, max_length=200, num_beams=5, no_repeat_ngram_size=2, top_k=50, top_p=0.95) # Decoding the generated output to human-readable text generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True) # Appending the current prompt and its generated output to the new dataframe 'zephyr_sft_output' zephyr_sft_output = zephyr_sft_output.append({'prompt': prompt, 'generated_output': generated_text}, ignore_index=True)
新的df zephyr_sft_output,其中包含提示及其通过基本模型Zephyr-7B-SFT-Full生成的相应输出。
在编码最小化问题之前,理解如何计算llm生成的输出的条件概率分布是至关重要的。原论文使用马尔可夫过程,其中条件概率分布pθ (y∣x)可通过分解表示为:
这种分解意味着给定输入序列的输出序列的概率可以通过将给定输入序列的每个输出标记与前一个输出标记的概率相乘来计算。例如输出序列为“I enjoy reading books”,输入序列为“I enjoy”,则在给定输入序列的情况下,输出序列的条件概率可以计算为:
马尔可夫过程条件概率将用于计算真值和Zephyr LLM响应的概率分布,然后用于计算损失函数。但首先我们需要对条件概率函数进行编码。
# Conditional Probability Function of input textdef compute_conditional_probability(tokenizer, model, input_text): # Tokenize the input text and convert it to PyTorch tensors inputs = tokenizer([input_text], return_tensors="pt") # Generate text using the model, specifying additional parameters outputs = model.generate(**inputs, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True) # Assuming 'transition_scores' is the logits for the generated tokens transition_scores = model.compute_transition_scores(outputs.sequences, outputs.scores, normalize_logits=True) # Get the length of the input sequence input_length = inputs.input_ids.shape[1] # Assuming 'transition_scores' is the logits for the generated tokens logits = torch.tensor(transition_scores) # Apply softmax to obtain probabilities probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=-1) # Extract the generated tokens from the output generated_tokens = outputs.sequences[:, input_length:] # Compute conditional probability conditional_probability = 1.0 for prob in probs[0]: token_probability = prob.item() conditional_probability *= token_probability return conditional_probability
def LSPIN_loss(model, updated_model, tokenizer, input_text, lambda_val=0.01): # Initialize conditional probability using the original model and input text cp = compute_conditional_probability(tokenizer, model, input_text) # Update conditional probability using the updated model and input text cp_updated = compute_conditional_probability(tokenizer, updated_model, input_text) # Calculate conditional probabilities for ground truth data p_theta_ground_truth = cp(tokenizer, model, input_text) p_theta_t_ground_truth = cp(tokenizer, model, input_text) # Calculate conditional probabilities for synthetic data p_theta_synthetic = cp_updated(tokenizer, updated_model, input_text) p_theta_t_synthetic = cp_updated(tokenizer, updated_model, input_text) # Calculate likelihood ratios lr_ground_truth = p_theta_ground_truth / p_theta_t_ground_truth lr_synthetic = p_theta_synthetic / p_theta_t_synthetic # Compute the LSPIN loss loss = lambda_val * torch.log(lr_ground_truth) - lambda_val * torch.log(lr_synthetic) return loss
# Training loopfor epoch in range(num_epochs): # Model with initial parameters initial_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("alignment-handbook/zephyr-7b-sft-full") # Update the learning rate scheduler.step() # Initialize total loss for the epoch total_loss = 0.0 # Generating Synthetic Data (Inner loop) for index, row in ultrachat_50k_sample.iterrows(): # Rest of the code ... # Output == prompt response dataframe zephyr_sft_output # Computing loss using LSPIN function for (index1, row1), (index2, row2) in zip(ultrachat_50k_sample.iterrows(), zephyr_sft_output.iterrows()): # Assuming 'prompt' and 'generated_output' are the relevant columns in zephyr_sft_output prompt = row1['prompt'] generated_output = row2['generated_output'] # Compute LSPIN loss updated_model = model # It will be replacing with updated model loss = LSPIN_loss(initial_model, updated_model, tokenizer, prompt) # Accumulate the loss total_loss += loss.item() # Backward pass loss.backward() # Update the parameters optimizer.step() # Update the value of beta if epoch == 2: beta = 5.0
我们运行3个epoch,它将进行训练并生成最终的Zephyr SFT LLM版本。官方实现还没有在GitHub上开源,这个版本将能够在某种程度上产生类似于人类反应的输出。我们看看他的运行流程
Chen, Z., Deng, Y., Yuan, H., Ji, K., & Gu, Q. (2024, January 2). Self-Play Fine-Tuning Converts Weak Language Models to Strong Language Models.