Refuse laziness, motivational action. Remember, whenever, you need to give yourself a clear bottom line.

学着主宰自己的生活,即使孑然一身,也不算一个太坏的局面,不自怜、不自卑、不哀怨,一日一日来,一步一步走,那份柳暗花明的喜乐和必然的抵达,在于我们自己的坚持!Learn to dominate their own life, even if alone, it is not a too bad situation, not self-pity, not inferiority, not sorrow, day by day, step by step, the bright joy and inevitable arrival, lies in our own persistence!

人生哪有什么计划周全,哪有什么一蹴而就,伟大都是从一点一滴开始做起,试了有 50%机会成功,不试唯有坐吃山空,所以收起矫情,行动才是硬道理。Life which has what plan comprehensive, which has what overnight, great starts from a little bit, try to have a 50% chance of success, do not try only to eat empty, so put up the hypocritical, action is the hard truth.

不要让“准备”成为拖延的借口,行动就从此刻开始;不要质疑自己能力,相信你远比想象得更强大;不要再把时间都留给游戏、网络,让书本和运动充实生活。Don't let preparation " be an excuse for delay; don't question your abilities, believe you're far stronger than you think; don't leave time for games, the Internet, books and sports.

每天一点小小的改变,告别消极、懈怠、不安的自己,为梦想,去冲刺!A little change every day, bid farewell to the negative, slack, uneasy themselves, for the dream, to sprint!