
三月流焱 2022-10-06 09:41:37

在每个焦虑的夜晚,睡觉成了最难的事情,我都在想,到底要怎么样的生活,成为什么样的人,自己才会满意。In every anxious night, sleep has become the most difficult thing, I am thinking about what to live a life, what kind of person, I will be satisfied.

把坏心情放在火锅里涮一涮,感觉生活一下子变得有滋有味了。Put the bad mood in the hot pot rinse rinse, feel life suddenly become interesting.

总有细碎的温暖,于不经意间闯入。想告诉你,世界如此美好,别放弃,明天皆可期。There is always small warmth, inadvertently break into. Want to tell you, the world is so beautiful, don't give up, tomorrow is expected.

杨绛曾写道:人生,一岁有一岁的味道,一站有一站的风景,你的年龄应该成为你生命的勋章,而不是你伤感的理由,纵使眼里写满故事脸上依然不漏风霜,你吞下的所有委屈,终将喂大你的格局。Yang Jiang once wrote: "Life is one year old, one year old, one station of scenery, your age should be your life medal, not the reason for your sadness. Even if your eyes are still wind and frost, all the grievances you swallow will eventually feed your pattern."

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