
柯远说文学 2024-09-10 12:05:02

1. serious, get worse and worse, get better严重 恶化 好转

2. look pale, be worn out, dizzy面色苍白 浑身乏力 头晕目眩

3. take pills/tablet, operation/surgery, shot/injection吃药 手术 注射

4. take an X-ray, prescribe/prescription, stay in hospital照片子 开处方 住院

5. check out, get over/recovered出院 病愈

6. a cold/colds 感冒 fever 发烧

7. sore throat 嗓子疼 pain 疼痛

8. cough 咳嗽 chest pain 胸痛

9. heart 心脏 come down with a cold/flu 患感冒/患流感而病倒

10. lung 肺 be not quite oneself 不舒服(有点小病)

11. headache 头痛 patient 病人


1. look pale 面色苍白

2. be worn out 浑身乏力

3. dizzy 头晕目眩

4. prescribe/prescription 开处方


You look pale, you'd better go to see a doctor.


We are sure to be worn out and depressed in life. But scientists have found that venting your complaints is the worst way.


He felt a little dizzy and butted his head against the tree.


Let me prescribe some medicine for you.


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