2024-12-10 18:28:40
报告目录:一、中国月饼市场发展背景及驱动力1.中国月饼产业发展外驱力:政策支持2.中国月饼产业发展外驱力:消费升级3.中国月饼产业发展外驱力:人均烘焙消费量4.中国月饼产业发展外驱力:礼物经济5.中国月饼产业发展内驱力:餐饮经济6.中国月饼产业发展内驱力:直播电商7.中国月饼产业发展内驱力:跨境销售8.中国月饼产业发展内驱力:冷链物流9.中国月饼产业发展内驱力:智慧物流二、中国月饼行业核心数据分析1.中国月饼产业链结构图2.中国月饼产业链产业图谱3.中国月饼产业链上游:小麦产量4.中国月饼产业链上游:糖料产量5.中国月饼产业链上游:牛奶、禽蛋产量6.中国月饼产业链上游:鸭蛋产量7.中国月饼行业产业链上游:烘焙面粉及油脂8.中国月饼产业链上游:月饼包装9.中国月饼产业链中游:企业累计注册量10.中国月饼产业链中游:企业成立规模11.中国月饼产业链中游:企业影响力12.中国月饼产业链中游:上市公司13.中国月饼产业链中游:月饼产量14.中国月饼产业链下游:消费者画像15.中国月饼产业链下游:消费者购买支出16.中国月饼行业销售规模及预测三、中国月饼行业发展新动向1.电商平台月饼销售情况整体较好2.月饼市场监管加强,价格治理取得积极成效3.行业热点:中秋月饼跨界出圈4.行业热点:联名、国潮、文创引领消费新风向5.行业热点:月饼健康化需求推动产品创新6.行业热点:海外月饼市场成行业增长契机四、中国月饼消费行为洞察1.中国月饼消费者行为洞察2.中国消费者购买月饼的用途3.中国消费者购买月饼的支出变化4.中国消费者购买月饼的关注因素5.中国消费者偏好月饼风味分析6.中国消费者月饼包装风格偏好7.中国消费者月饼包装设计偏好8.中国消费者获取月饼信息渠道9.中国消费者购买月饼渠道10.中国消费者购买的月饼口味11.中国不同性别消费者对月饼味道的期待12.中国消费者期待月饼优化之处13.中国月饼消费者对健康化趋势的看法14.新消费群体月饼认知及消费行为分析15.新消费人群概念定义16.新消费群体获取月饼信息渠道分析17.新消费群体月饼包装风格偏好调查18.新消费群体月饼购买关注因素19.新消费群体月饼口味偏好分析20.新消费群体对国潮月饼的看法21.新消费群体对月饼跨界联名品类偏好22.新消费群体对跨界联名月饼的购买意愿23.新消费群体希望月饼优化之处24.白领群体月饼认知及消费行为分析25.白领群体购买月饼用途和购买渠道分析26.白领群体月饼包装风格偏好调查27.白领群体月饼口味偏好调查28.白领群体了解月饼资讯渠道调查29.白领群体购买月饼支出30.白领群体购买月饼关注因素调查31.白领群体对月饼创新期待调查32.白领群体期待月饼食材与营养方面优化之处33.白领群体对月饼健康化趋势的看法五、中国月饼行业典型案例分析1.中国月饼行业典型企业:广州酒家(一)2.中国月饼行业典型企业:广州酒家(二)3.中国月饼行业典型企业:广州酒家(三)4.中国月饼行业典型企业:广州酒家(四)5.中国月饼行业典型企业:广州酒家(五)6.中国月饼行业典型企业:稻香村(一)7.中国月饼行业典型企业:稻香村(二)8.中国月饼行业典型企业:稻香村(三)9.中国月饼行业典型企业:稻香村(四)10.中国月饼行业典型企业:五芳斋(一)11.中国月饼行业典型企业:五芳斋(二)12.中国月饼行业典型企业:五芳斋(三)13.中国月饼行业典型企业:华美集团(一)14.中国月饼行业典型企业:华美集团(二)15.中国月饼行业典型企业:华美集团(三)16.中国月饼行业典型企业:锦华(一)17.中国月饼行业典型企业:锦华(二)18.中国月饼行业典型企业:锦华(三)六、中国月饼行业发展趋势分析1.中国月饼行业发展趋势(一)2.中国月饼行业发展趋势(二)图表:图表1. 2019-2023年中国月饼行业部分相关政策图表2. 2013-2022年中国人均可支配收入及人均消费支出图表3. 2015-2021年中国人均每年烘焙食品市场消费量图表4. 2021年全球主要国家(或地区)人均烘焙食品消费量图表5. 2013-2022年中国人均可支配收入及人均消费支出图表6. 2015-2021年中国人均每年烘焙食品市场消费量图表7. 2021年全球主要国家(或地区)人均烘焙食品消费量图表8. 2018-2024年中国礼物经济产业市场规模及预测图表9. 2023年中国礼物经济用户为亲友购买礼品TOP5图表10. 2017-2027年中国直播电商市场规模及预测图表11. 2019-2025年中国跨境电商出口规模及其同比增长率数据及预测图表12. 2015-2023年中国冷链物流市场规模及预测图表13. 2015-2022年中国快递业务量及营业收入图表14. 1949-2022年中国小麦产量图表15. 1949-2022年中国糖料产量图表16. 1982-2022年中国牛奶、禽蛋产量图表17. 2013-2021年中国鸭蛋产量图表18. 2018-2025年中国烘焙面粉消费量及预测图表19. 2018-2025年中国烘焙油脂消费量及预测图表20. 月饼包装费用及毛利率图表21. 2018-2023年中国月饼相关企业注册量图表22. 2023年中国月饼行业相关企业成立时间图表23. 2023年中国月饼行业相关企业注册资本分布图表24. 2023年中国月饼礼盒品牌10强榜单图表25. 月饼产业主要环节上市公司及典型企业分布图表26. 2015-2023年中国月饼产量及预测图表27. 2023年中国消费者购买月饼的花费图表28. 2016-2025年中国月饼销售规模及预测图表29. 2023年中国消费者对“天价”月饼现象感知图表30. 2023年中国消费者对月饼健康化态度图表31. 2023年中国消费者购买月饼的主要用途图表32. 2023年中国消费者购买的月饼类型图表33. 2023年中国消费者购买月饼的支出变化图表34. 2023年中国月饼消费者购买时所关注的因素top6图表35. 2023年消费者偏好的月饼风味与各地区偏好情况图表36. 2023年中国消费者月饼包装风格偏好图表37. 2023年中国消费者月饼包装设计偏好图表38. 2023年中国消费者获取月饼信息渠道图表39. 2023年中国消费者购买月饼渠道图表40. 2023年中国消费者购买的月饼口味图表41. 2023年中国消费者购买的新型月饼口味图表42. 2023年中国月饼消费者偏好的月饼味道与性别情况交互分析图表43. 2023年中国消费者期待月饼在食材和营养优化之处图表44. 2023年月饼健康化对中国消费者购买意愿的影响图表45. 2023中国新消费群体月饼获取信息渠道调查图表46. 2023年中国新消费群体偏好月饼包装风格图表47. 2023年中国新消费群体购买月饼的关注因素图表48. 2023中国新消费群体月饼口味和地区风味月饼偏好类型Top3图表49. 2023中国新消费群体对国潮月饼的看法调查图表50. 2023中国新消费群体偏好的跨界联名月饼品类调查图表51. 2023中国新消费群体对跨界联名月饼购买意愿图表52. 2023年中国新消费群体希望月饼在食材和营养优化之处图表53. 2023年中国白领群体购买月饼用途和购买渠道图表54. 2023年中国白领群体偏好月饼包装风格图表55. 2023年中国白领群体月饼地区风味和口味偏好情况图表56. 2023年中国白领群体了解月饼资讯渠道图表57. 2023年中国白领群体购买月饼用于自己或与家人食用支出图表58. 2023年中国白领群体购买月饼用于送礼的支出图表59. 2022年中国白领群体购买月饼关注因素图表60. 2023年中国白领群体对月饼创新期待图表61. 2023年中国白领群体期待月饼食材与营养方面优化之处图表62. 2023年月饼健康化对白领群体购买意愿的影响图表63. 2019-2023年广州酒家营业收入及其增速图表64. 2017-2023年广州酒家研发费用图表65. 2018-2023年H1广州酒家各销售渠道收入图表66. 2023年H1广州酒家主营收入构成图表67. 2023年Q9五芳斋各类型产品营业收入占比图表68. 2020-2023年Q9五芳斋月饼系列营业收入及占比图表69. 2021年和2022年锦华黑松露流心奶黄月饼全国销量占比Comment:Figure 1. Some relevant policies of China's mooncake industry in 2019-2023Figure 2. Per capita disposable income and per capita consumption expenditure in China from 2013 to 2022Figure 3. China's Per Capita Annual Baking Food Market Consumptionfrom 2015 to 2021Figure 4. Per capita consumption of baked goods in major countries(or regions) in the world in 2021Figure 5. Per capita disposable income and per capita consumption expenditure in China from 2013 to 2022Figure 6. China's Per Capita Annual Baking Food Market Consumptionfrom 2015 to 2021Figure 7. Per capita consumption of baked goods in major countries (or regions) in the world in 2021Figure 8. Market scale and forecast of China's gift economy industry from 2018 to 2024Figure 9. Top 5 gift products purchased by users of China's Gift economy for relatives and friends in 2023Figure 10. 2017-2027 China's live broadcast e-commerce market size and forecastFigure 11. Data and Forecast on the Scale and year-on-year Growth Rate of China's Cross border E-commerce Exports from 2019 to 2025Figure 12. 2015-2023 China's cold chain logistics market scale and forecastFigure 13. China's express business volume and operating income from 2015 to 2022Figure 14. Wheat production in China from 1949 to 2022Figure 15. China's sugar output from 1949 to 2022Figure 16. Production of milk and poultry eggs in China from 1982 to 2022Figure 17. Production of duck eggs in China, 2013-2021Figure 18. Consumption and forecast of baking flour in China, 2018-2025Figure 19. Moon cake packaging cost and gross profit marginFigure 21. Cumulative registration of Chinese moon cake enterprises from 2010 to 2023Figure 22. 2023 China mooncake industry related enterprises established timeFigure 23. Distribution of registered capital of enterprises related to China's mooncake industry in 2023Figure 24. Top 10 Mooncake gift box brand in 2023Figure 25. Distribution of listed companies and representative enterprises in all links of moon cake industryFigure 26. Mooncake production and forecast in China from 2015 to 2023Figure 27. The cost of 2023 Chinese consumers to buy moon cakesFigure 28. Sales scale and forecast of moon cakes in China from 2016 to 2025Figure 29. Chinese consumers' perception of the phenomenon of extraordinary high prcie mooncakes in 2023Figure 30. Chinese Consumers' Attitudes towards Healthy Mooncakes in 2023Figure 31. The main uses of mooncakes purchased by Chinese consumers in 2023Figure 32. Types of mooncakes purchased by Chinese consumers in 2023Figure 33. Changes in Chinese consumers' spending on mooncakes in 2023Figure 34. Top 6 factors concerned of Chinese moon cake consumers buying in 2023Figure 35. The top 5 moon cake flavor of respondents' preference in 2023 and special statistics of different regionsFigure 36. 2023 Chinese Consumers' Preference for Mooncake Packaging StyleFigure 37. Chinese consumers' preferences for mooncake packaging design in 2023Figure 38. Channels for Chinese consumers to obtain mooncake information in 2023Figure 39. Channels for Chinese consumers to buy mooncakes in 2023Figure 40. Mooncake flavors purchased by Chinese consumers in 2023Figure 41. New mooncake flavors purchased by Chinese consumers in 2023Figure 42. Interactive analysis of moon cake taste and gender preference of Chinese moon cake consumers in 2023Figure 43. In 2023, Chinese consumers expect mooncakes to be optimized in terms of ingredients and nutritionFigure 44. The impact of mooncake health on Chinese consumers' purchase intention in 2023Figure 45. Survey on the information channels of moon cakes obtained by China's new consumer groups in 2023Figure 46. In 2023, China's new consumer groups prefer mooncake packaging stylesFigure 47. Factors of concern for the purchase of mooncakes by China's new consumer groups in 2023Figure 48. In 2023, the preference type of mooncake taste and regional flavor mooncake among China's new consumer groups ranked Top3Figure 49. 2023 Chinese new consumer groups on the perception of the moon cakeFigure 50. 2023 Cross-boundary co-branded mooncake category survey on preference of new consumer groups in ChinaFigure 51. 2023 China's new consumer group on cross-border joint mooncake purchase intentionFigure 52. In 2023, China's new consumer groups want mooncakes to be optimized for ingredients and nutritionFigure 53. The purchase of mooncakes last year and channels for Chinese white-collar workers to buy mooncakes in 2023Figure 54. Chinese white-collar workers prefer the mooncake packaging style in 2023Figure 55. Chinese white-collar workers' preferences for flavors, fillings and crusts of mooncakes in 2023Figure 56. Chinese white-collar workers understand mooncake information channels in 2023Figure 57. In 2023, Chinese white-collar workers will buy mooncakes for their own consumption or for consumption with their familiesFigure 58. In 2023, Chinese white-collar workers will buy mooncakes as giftsFigure 59. Chinese white-collar group purchase moon cake budget survey in 2023Figure 60. Chinese white-collar workers' expectations for mooncake innovation in 2023Figure 61. In 2023 Chinese white collars are looking forward to the moon cake ingredients with nutritional optimizationFigure 62. The influence of mooncake health on the buying intention of white-collar workers in 2023Figure 63. Business income and growth rate of Guangzhou restaurants from 2019 to the first half of 2023Figure 64. Research and Development Expenses of Guangzhou Restaurantfrom in 2017-2023Q9Figure 65. Guangzhou restaurant sales channels restaurants from 2018 to the first half of 2023Figure 66. Main Revenue composition of Guangzhou restaurants in 2023 H1Figure 67. Proportion of operating income of various types of products of Wufangzhai in 2023Q9Figure 68. Operating income and proportion of Wufangzhai moon cake series from 2020 to 2023Q9Figure 69. Proportion of sales of Jinhua Tuber melanosporum Flowing Heart Milk Yellow Moon Cake nationwide in 2021 and 2022