Don't back down when you encounter difficulties. Running away can't solve any problems. Be brave and face them. You can do it!
Setbacks are a compulsory course in growth. Every time you overcome them, you will become stronger.
✨把挫折比作成长中必须经历的课程,让孩子理解挫折是成长的一部分,并且强调战胜挫折才能带来成长和强大,引导孩子将挫折视为提升自我的机会 。
Get up right away when you fall, pat the dust off, and keep charging forward. This is what a real man does!
Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are great opportunities for learning. Learn from failures and you'll do better next time.
You have unlimited potential. It's just that setbacks temporarily block its radiance. Work hard to break through and let your potential shine.