
上海外事商务咨询中心 2023-12-11 18:58:32

In order for foreign children to live and work in China smoothly, parents have to think far ahead. To solve this problem, SFBC has compiled a list of frequently asked questions about applying for a green card for a minor foreign child, which we hope will help you.


Q1: What are the best conditions for children to get permanent residence?Q1:什么条件的孩子办永居最好?

A1: According to the Measures for the Administration of Approval of Permanent Residence of Foreigners in China, if a foreigner is authorized to take up permanent residence in China for reasons of investment, employment or special contribution, his/her unmarried foreign children under the age of 18 may also apply for permanent residence in China; unmarried foreign children under the age of 18 may apply for permanent residence in China if they are dependent on their parents of Chinese nationality within the territory of the country, or on their parents of foreign nationality who are qualified to take up permanent residence in China.

A1:根据《外国人在中国永久居留审批管理办法》规定,外国人如以投资、任职、特殊贡献等事由获准在中国永久居留的,其未满18周岁未婚外籍子女也可随之申请在中国永久居留;未满18周岁未婚外籍子女,投靠境内中国籍父母或具有在中国永久居留资格的外国籍父母,可以申请在中国永久居留。Q2: Do I have to apply for permanent residence for my future children to take the entrance examination?


A2: The Ministry of Education has explicitly stated that foreign students who want to take the college entrance exam must have a valid Chinese identity. This policy has been implemented this year. If your child is under 16 years old and wants to take the Chinese college entrance examination and develop in China in the future, please prepare the documents for your child to apply for permanent residence as soon as possible.

A2:教育部明文规定,外籍学生如果想要参加高考必须持有有效的中国身份。该政策今年已实施,如果您的孩子在16岁以下,并且想要参加中国高考,未来在中国发展,请您尽快准备材料为孩子办理永久居留。Q3: Will it be convenient for my child to acquire permanent residence and join Chinese nationality?


A3: Will. If the child first obtains the right of permanent residence in China and meets the requirements for admission to Chinese nationality, the procedures will be simplified and the speed of the process will be significantly increased when the child joins or regains Chinese nationality, provided that the documents are complete.


Q4: Can future children of Chinese permanent residents be employed in China?


A4: Yes. If the child first obtains permanent residence in China, future employment in China can be exempted from the foreigner's work permit to China.

A4:可以。如果孩子首先获得了中国永久居留权,未来在中国就业可以免除外国人来华工作许可的办理手续。Q5:Does the child have to stay in China all the time after getting permanent residence?


A5: A guarantee of 3 months per year is sufficient. Once the child has applied for permanent residence in China, there is no restriction on the period of stay in China. They can also enter and exit China with a valid passport and Alien Permanent Residence Permit, and there is no need to apply for visas and other procedures.

A5:每年保证3个月即可。孩子办理了中国永居,在中国居留期限不受限制。还可以凭有效护照和《外国人永久居留证》出入中国国境,也不需要再办理签证等手续。Q6: Can I enroll my child in a public school if I have permanent residence?


A6: You need to consult the school for details. Children of high-level talents are generally required.

A6:具体需要咨询学校。一般要求高层次人才的子女。Q7: Is there no restriction on traveling when I get permanent residence for my child?


A7: Yes. When traveling on domestic flights and trains in China, one can go through the boarding formalities or purchase train tickets with the Certificate of Permanent Residence for Foreigners; when staying in domestic hotels, one can also go through the check-in formalities with the Certificate of Permanent Residence for Foreigners.

A7:是的。乘坐中国国内航班、火车等均可凭《外国人永久居留身份证》办理有关登机手续或购买火车票;在国内旅馆住宿,同样可凭《外国人永久居留身份证》办理有关入住手续。Q8: If a minor child applies for permanent residence, will he/she have to reapply for it again after he/she turns 18?


A8: No need. The qualification for permanent residence status does not expire even after the child reaches 18 years of age, and the document can be renewed at the immigration department before the expiry date, and more freedom of employment can be obtained after the renewal of the document.


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