
旧游成梦寐 2024-06-07 21:56:37


The Book of Changes states, "Proud dragons have regrets."


The dragon hovered over the nine heavens and had reached its highest point.


It looked around in a daze, with no way to move forward, and couldn't bear to retreat. Instead, it felt regretful.


To be a person, one should be able to judge the situation, advance and retreat in a timely manner. Advancing is a kind of courage, and retreating is a kind of wisdom.


Know how to move forward and retreat, be flexible and adaptable. If you need to move forward, move forward. If you miss a good opportunity, make sure to retreat when you need to, and avoid going to extremes.


Those who go further all choose to make progress at the right time, to let go at the right moment, not to be greedy or indulgent.


The path of life should not only focus on self-improvement and progress, but also know to stop when things are good.


A simple word for "stop" is the cultivation of a gentleman who does something but does not, the composure of a wise person who controls the right balance, and the path to progress and retreat that is related to their future destiny.

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