
志霖说国际 2024-08-19 13:37:04




但今年的选举是关于美国是选择资本主义和宪政共和国,还是选择**主义中央*权大政府并走向珙*主义的公投。哈里斯和沃尔兹再也无法掩盖他们的极左记录。大众对长达八年的川黑诋毁运动已感到厌倦;互联网有记忆,哈里斯的极左历史在X上完全曝光。这不是我说的,而是CBS自己的话。CBS: “实际上,无党派的GovTrack已对你评级为国会最左的参议员”,哈里斯只有呆望着记者尴尬无语的份。





1. 在1966年,作为宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的学生,20岁的川普帮助退伍军人、运动员和费城活动家伯特·兰开斯特创建了“马丁·路德·金国际自由运动会”。


2. 三十年前,一位农民濒临失去他的家族农场,该农场已经存在了100多年。这位农场主自杀了,寄希望于自杀的保险金能拯救农场。川普得知消息之后,在他们的房产要被银行当卖之际,悄然出手,拯救了这个农场。




3. 川普在竞选总统之前,曾是媒体宠儿多年。他在1986年获得了艾利斯岛荣誉奖,与著名的民权领袖罗莎·帕克斯和拳王穆罕默德·阿里一同获奖。


1991年,《纽约日报》的头条新闻是:“抢劫犯被川普制止,唐纳德阻止了袭击。” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnsF_7La2D8


他在遇到暗杀时的表现,与他这些性格是一致的(点击前文川普总统遇刺!高举拳头鼓舞战斗的瞬间,将被历史铭记)。当子弹飞来,人群惊慌时,川普毫不畏惧地站起来,举起拳头——在不知道是否有第二个射手的情况下——呼喊“Fight, fight, fight!” 人群立刻平静下来,开始高喊“USA, USA!” 川普展示了美国急需的领导力和勇气,以对抗我们虎视眈眈的对手们。


4. 1990年,川普向Ryan(瑞恩)艾滋病项目捐赠了100万美元。他和迈克尔·杰克逊一同去安慰瑞恩·怀特悲痛的母亲,18岁的瑞恩因输血感染艾滋病去世。

5. 2015年,“川普以私人公民身份,支持了教会的两次医疗慈善之行,为200名海地人恢复视力,他是项目的主要经费支持者。”

6. 在2016年,当NBC忘记叫本·卡森博士的名字,导致他在后台被晾着不能出场的时候,川普表现出他的修养,陪在卡森博士身边,直到最后一起走向辩论台。你可以在blackconservative2429的视频中找到:“川普在辩论舞台上展示真正的风度”。参考前文:里根和川普的故事




My debate with an AOC-type far-left progressive, including stories of Trump’s untold kindness that the media wants to ignore.

Sir, you are the typical voter targeted by the left and GOP establishment's machine. They want people to focus solely on Trump while largely ignoring the Democratic ticket. In 2020, they hid Biden and let the media go all out in attacking Trump and MAGA supporters, backed by their full-fledged censorship apparatus. But this year is a referendum on whether America wants capitalism and a Constitutional Republic or a socialist centralized big government heading to communism. Harris and Walz can no longer hide their far-left records. People are fatigued by the eight-year-long anti-Trump character assassination campaign, and the internet has a long memory. Harris' radical left history is on full display on X. Not my words, but CBS's own words. CBS: "Actually, nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator." KAMALA: *blank stare*


I don't need the media or elites telling me how bad Trump and MAGA supporters are because I've done my own fact-checking through firsthand experiences.

I run a WeChat blog with over 272K followers. As a first-generation immigrant from China, I live in a virtual border town and stay informed about news in China. I know which side truly protects free speech and ****** more afraid.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, as a minority family, we've spent years traveling to so-called ‘Trumpland’, choosing non-tourist areas to gain authentic experiences. Through these trips, I broke free from the media's lie that 'MAGAs are racists.' No matter how much media you consume, you can't ask someone like me to deny my own eyes and ears. We think independently and don't need the media or elites to tell us how to think.

Trump has his flaws, but his character is no worse than many other presidents. If the media treated Trump as fairly as they treat Harris or Biden or Obama, they would cover the following stories 24/7:

1. In 1966, as a 20-year-old student at Penn’s Wharton School, Donald Trump helped veteran, athlete, and Philadelphia activist Bert Lancaster establish the 'Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. International Freedom Games.'

Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., expresses her appreciation for President Trump.

2. Thirty years ago, a farmer was on the brink of losing his family's farm, which had been in the family for over 100 years. The owner suicided and believed that taking his own life would allow the insurance money to save the farm. With the property in foreclosure, Trump quietly stepped in and saved it.


Now, let me ask—what was Harris doing 30 years ago? She was kickstarting her political career by dating a married, powerful man who could have been her father, and she secured two government jobs through him without relevant background. She is not a role model for women with career ambitions or for girls choosing their dates.

Surely, you’ll bring up the leftist women’s #MeToo accusations against Trump, claiming incidents from 10 years or decades ago. But even if you believe them, the bottom line is that Trump never used sex to advance his political or any other career. Even if you believe both are flawed, the lesser of two evils is Trump, not Harris.3. Trump was a media darling for many years before he ran for president. He received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1986, alongside Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali.

In a 1988 Oprah show, Trump was treated much like they treat Obama today.


In 1991, a New York Daily News headline read, 'Mugger's Trumped, Donald Stops Attack.'

The Associated Press, Nov 21, 1991, page 14 Source link


His actions during the assassination attempt were consistent with his character. When the crowd panicked, Trump stood up, raised his fist fearlessly—without knowing if there was a second shooter—and called for 'fight, fight, fight!' The crowd immediately calmed down and began chanting 'USA, USA!' Trump demonstrated the leadership and courage that the U.S. urgently needs to stand up to our aggressive adversaries.

As for Harris, can we really expect her to lead our great nation against ****, Russia, Iran, and others—especially when she repeatedly laughs at serious moments, mistakes iCloud for an actual cloud, and answers complex questions like inflation and Ukraine Russia war with simplistic, third-grade responses?

4. In 1990, Trump donated $1 million to Ryan's AIDS Program. Donald Trump and Michael Jackson comforted the grieving mother of 18-year-old Ryan White, who died of AIDS due to a blood transfusion.

5. In 2015, 'When we asked Donald J. Trump, as a private citizen, to support two medical mission trips to restore vision for 200 Haitians, he was a major financial backer.'

6. In 2016, Trump showed his by standing with Dr. Ben Carson when NBC forgot to call his name, leaving him standing alone. You can find the video by blackconservative2429: 'Donald Trump Demonstrating True On Debate Stage'.

And there are many more examples. However, our media either don't report these stories or spin them to serve their agenda of character assassination of Trump. They are no longer the uncrowned fourth branch of power; they are becoming the enemy of the people. This is a path to Orwellian 1984. Never in my life did I imagine America would come to such a crossroads. This November will be the most important election of our lifetime.The swamp side will lose, and we will win.

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