
中书国画 2024-07-03 16:29:07


Pan Tianshou, styled Dayi, also known as Ashou and Shouzhe, was a native of Ninghai, Zhejiang. Born on March 14, 1897 (Dingyou year), he passed away on September 5, 1971 (Xinhai year). From a young age, he received family education. His father, Pan Bingzhang, was a scholar and a village head for many years, skilled in calligraphy. His mother, Madam Zhou, was talented and excelled in paper cutting. Influenced by his parents, Pan Tianshou developed an early interest in art. In 1915 (Yimao year), he entered the Zhejiang Provincial Normal School, studying under Jing Hengyi and Li Shutong. Initially, he learned from Wu Changshuo and later drew inspiration from Shitao and Bada Shanren. In 1923 (Guihai year), he visited Wu Changshuo in Shanghai, further refining his artistic skills.


Pan Tianshou believed that Chinese painting emphasizes artistic conception, integrating poetic ambiance in painting and seeking pictorial elements in poetry, setting a high standard for poetic and pictorial creation. His Chinese paintings are characterized by powerful and vigorous brushstrokes, robust and majestic forms, with the essence, shape, and spirit condensed at the tip of the brush. His painting style is described as "heaven-shaking and earth-shocking with every stroke," showcasing his unique approach. Pan Tianshou valued bold innovation in art and often said, "Seek change within the constant to understand constancy; seek constancy within change to understand change." Many of his works involve finger painting, where he dipped his fingers in ink to create large-scale paintings using all four fingers. This technique produced grand and powerful effects. His subjects include eagles, lotuses, pines, the Four Gentlemen (plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum), landscapes, and figures, each with a unique layout, balancing danger and stability, simplifying form while conveying profound meaning, embodying the great principles of nature and humanity.


In Pan Tianshou's works, luxurious peonies are rarely seen, nor are the traditional subjects of the Four Gentlemen (plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum). Instead, he often incorporated wild grasses and flowers, creating a unique style. He expanded his themes by closely connecting flowers and plants with nature, expressing the vibrant life of the universe. By incorporating wild grasses and flowers, he pushed traditional flower-and-bird painting towards new themes and perspectives, extending the vitality of his art. His composition and structure were unique among 20th-century painters, standing up to scrutiny and reflection. Unlike others who simply labeled their works, he genuinely immersed himself in nature, capturing the spirit of the times.


Pan Tianshou observed that the regions of Western Europe and the East differ, as do their peoples, customs, and habits. Westerners believed there was no ink in nature, but Chinese painting used ink to depict subjects. Ancient Chinese pottery used ink, and Wu Changshuo often painted peonies with ink and red, maximizing the effect of ink, creating complex color changes and strong contrasts, reaching perfection.


Qi Baishi said, "The charm lies between likeness and unlikeness," aiming for spiritual resemblance rather than mere physical likeness, which is a hallmark of traditional Chinese art. Ink is the master of the five colors, but it must be paired with white to be bright. Laozi said, "Know white, keep black." Painting takes spirit with the brush and charm with ink, achieving weight through concentrated, accumulated, and broken strokes. Mi Fu of the Northern Song Dynasty understood this principle. The difficulty in using ink lies in mastering the variations of dry, burnt, moist, and wet. Ink should be dry and burnt yet lush, moist yet not blurred, thus mastering the essence of ink usage. Ink is ineffective without water; the brush is ineffective without movement. When ink is alive, it is clear and spirited; when the brush moves, it transforms without stagnation. Both must not be neglected. Colors can be vivid but not easily ancient and elegant; ink can be ancient and elegant but not vulgar. Using ink to complement color overcomes the difficulty of coloring. Ink painting, with appropriate density and dryness, achieves myriad colors, surpassing actual colors. The five colors exist within, superior to blue, yellow, red, and purple. Light colors seek elegance, heavy colors seek antiquity. Understanding this achieves the ultimate use of color.


In Pan Tianshou's Chinese painting, lines are the soul of the painting and an essential element of the composition. Using unique artistic language, personalized composition, and expanded subjects, he highlighted his artistic features. His pursuit of art and innovative ideas still hold significant educational value in today's art world.


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  • 2024-07-04 00:45
