
中书国画 2024-07-05 16:42:58


The river of Chinese painting is vast and full of renowned masters, each with their unique artistic philosophies and extraordinary skills, creating a brilliant art scene. In the early Qing Dynasty, Shi Tao stood out in painting, authoring "Remarks on Painting," which established the foundation of painting theory. Painting theory, the essence of painting, includes techniques, aesthetics, and criticism. The earliest and most comprehensive painting theory is Gu Kaizhi's "Painting Theory" from the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Later, Zhang Yanyuan's "Famous Paintings through History," Zhang Zao's "Painting World," Guo Xi's "Lofty Ambitions in Forests and Streams," Dong Qichang's "The Essence of Painting," and Shi Tao's "Remarks on Painting" profoundly influenced Chinese painting art.





Shi Tao (born in the year of the Metal Dragon, died in the year of the Earth Dog), was from the Jingjiang Prince’s Mansion in Guilin and a monk in Quanzhou, Guangxi. He was the tenth-generation descendant of Zanyi, often sealing his paintings with "Tenth-generation descendant of Zanyi, Achang" and "Descendant of Jingjiang." His secular surname was Zhu, given name Ruoji, childhood name Achang, Dharma name Yuanji, also known as Shi Tao, Datizi, Bitter Melon Monk, Blind Respectful One, Old Man Qingxiang, among others.

In the year of Jia Shen, when the Ming Dynasty fell, his family was destroyed. He fled with an eunuch to Xiangshan Temple in Quanzhou, living there for over ten years, hearing scriptures and begging for alms, which may have sparked his initial interest in painting. At seventeen, he created "Flower Painting." Seeking development, he traveled north to Nanjing, Beijing, Hangzhou, Xuancheng, Nanchang, Wuhan, and spent a long time in Yangzhou. Throughout his life, he visited famous scenic spots like Huangshan, Lushan, Tiantai Mountain, and Jingtieshan, leaving behind his works.

Forced into monkhood, as Zhang Chao recorded in "Shadow in a Dream," "The Blind Respectful One (Shi Tao) said: I cannot discuss Zen, nor dare to ask for alms, but I occasionally paint green mountains to sell for food." To survive, he hung a sign saying "Child of Good Fruit Moon" to attract customers, but devoted his life to painting, finding peace and sustenance in it. He diligently painted, explored life's philosophy, and summarized his experiences.



"Remarks on Painting" is Shi Tao's lifelong creation summary, consisting of eighteen chapters: the first four chapters are general discussions, embodying the book's guiding principles; the next ten chapters discuss techniques; the last four chapters emphasize personal cultivation, "skill lies outside poetry." The "one-stroke" theory is the core of "Remarks on Painting." Shi Tao said: "Where does the law stand? It stands on one stroke." This one stroke is not only the beginning of technique but also the source of artistic creation. "Primordial chaos has no law, primitive simplicity is not dispersed; once dispersed, laws are established." This stroke is not a simple line but "the root of all existence, the foundation of all phenomena." The painter creates from nothing, expressing the most original and precise aspects of the real world. Shi Tao stated: "Painting follows the heart. The beauty of mountains and rivers, the nature of birds and beasts, the structure of pools and pavilions... this one stroke encompasses all chaos, billions of brushstrokes start and end with this, depending on the artist's control."


In his creative practice, Shi Tao discovered the "one-stroke" principle, constantly observing the principles of all things. He said, "It is visible to the spirit, hidden in people, yet the world does not know why." He advocated following one's own feelings and methods: "The one-stroke principle is established by me. From no law comes law, and with law, all laws are unified." The one stroke is the beginning of all things and the source of creation. The representation of objects in painting begins with one stroke, the scattering of the primordial simplicity. Brush and ink lines, though subtle and small, can be manipulated to create accurate shapes and profound meanings, reflecting the artist's mental journey.



Shi Tao opposed rigidly adhering to ancient methods and following old traditions. In his youth, the painting world favored copying ancient works, thinking that only by imitating a certain style could one establish themselves. Shi Tao criticized this, saying: "I am a servant to the old masters, not they serving me." He emphasized: "I am myself, with my own existence. The ancient features cannot appear on my face, nor can their essence enter my body. I express my own essence and reveal my own features." Even when occasionally influenced by old masters, it was they who conformed to him, not him to them. This was naturally granted. "Even if my brush is not a brush, my ink is not ink, and my painting is not painting, I am still myself." When asked about the North-South Schools, he humorously replied: "I use my own method."


Shi Tao's method began with learning from the ancients. His floral paintings were influenced by Shen Shitian, Qingteng, Baiyang; landscapes by Dong Yuan, Ni Zan, Shen Shitian, Mi Fu, Dong Qichang; figures by Li Gonglin, Ding Yunpeng. Mei Qushan, upon seeing Shi Tao's "Sixteen Arhats," praised him, saying: "He can rival Li Gonglin," and gave him a seal with "Previously there was Longmian Ji." His calligraphy followed a similar path: starting with Lu Gong, then learning from Dong Qichang, Ni Zan, and Su Shi. In his middle age, he assimilated the strengths of various masters, and by sixty, he formed his own "Shi Tao Style."




Shi Tao emphasized the importance of understanding and familiarizing oneself with mountains and rivers to achieve the state of "spiritual encounter and transformation with mountains and rivers," akin to Zhuangzi's "transformation of things": "Mountains and rivers speak through me, I transform into them, and they transform into me," achieving a union of emotion and scenery. In observing mountains and rivers, he focused on capturing their essence, spirit, and characteristics, requiring constant sketching to grasp their essence and principles. He believed that the theory of painting and the method of brushwork are nothing more than the substance and embellishment of heaven and earth. To immortalize mountains and rivers, one must find their spiritual essence, and "sketching all the strange peaks" is the best, fastest, and most successful method.

Shi Tao left behind numerous works and this famous theoretical work, "Remarks on Painting." After him, artists advocated "learning from nature" and opposed rigid adherence to ancient methods. The "Four Wangs" revivalist school gradually declined, while the Yangzhou Eccentrics inherited Shi Tao's ideas, promoting the expression of individual spirit with the motto "I am myself, with my own existence."



In modern times, artists like Wu Changshuo, Huang Binhong, Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, and Fu Baoshi followed the path of "Remarks on Painting" and achieved remarkable success. The leader of the antiquarian school, Wang Yuanqi, remarked, "Among all the painters in the land, Shi Tao must be the first south of the Yangtze." Wu Guanzhong commented, "Shi Tao is the starting point of modern Chinese art, and also the epitome of traditional painting theory. 'Remarks on Painting' may be brief, but it is a true national treasure, a pinnacle in the history of world art." Shi Tao's life was a relentless pursuit of art and a profound understanding of life. His "Remarks on Painting" is not only a guide to painting techniques but also an embodiment of life attitude. Through "Remarks on Painting," we understand Shi Tao's artistic thoughts and feel his love for nature and life. Each stroke is his unique interpretation of the world, leaving endless inspiration and emotion for future generations.


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