
团团谈国际 2023-01-30 13:09:02





事件的起因,是共和党MAGA派粉丝们最爱看的Project Veritas(真相计划)特工用钓鱼的方式偷录了辉瑞公司高管的一段吹嘘,被放到了互联网上。(为什么说是吹嘘呢,因为视频中辉瑞的这位管理者并没拿出具体的图文证据来证实自己的言论细节)

在视频中,一位据称是辉瑞高管的大佬(Jordon Trishton Walker),对暗访记者的吹嘘说,辉瑞总部正在进行“可操控的”变异新冠病毒研发,目的,是使该变异毒株“定向进化”,并且先发制人地开发疫苗,这是“我们公司赚大钱的秘诀”,“你们这些外行理解不了”…





美国著名human rights律师罗根·奥汉德利的转述也没删,他质疑了那些依然支持辉瑞、为辉瑞工作的人的神奇心态



福克斯传媒是个民粹主义倾向的媒体,它要尽可能讨好包括红脖子白人在内的美国广大工农群众,所以,它报道方式(尤其台柱子塔克卡尔森)就成了这样:TUCKER CARLSON:如果你真的想了解大药企有多么强大,可以研究下这个(视频内容)


How powerful exactly are the big pharmaceutical companies in this country? Well, that's a big question. There are a lot of ways to measure it, but here are a few ways you can measure it. In this country, Big Pharma can advertise its drugs directly to consumers and that's a little strange if you think about it, since consumers don't prescribe drugs, doctors do. So, why are the drugs being advertised directly to consumers?

That's allowed in only one other country on the planet, but it's allowed here. So, it may not surprise you that in this country, drug companies spend more on lobbying the Congress than any other industry, a lot more than any other industry and they don't do it by accident. They do it because it pays off. In a deal like this, a pretty remarkable deal, the drug companies have worked out with politicians. So, the government uses your tax dollars to buy billions worth of their products and then in some cases forces you to use those products.

Sometimes those products work, sometimes they don't work. In some cases, those products can injure you, but no matter what happens, there's nothing you can do about it because politicians have given these companies complete immunity. If their products hurt or kill you, you can't sue them. You're not even really allowed to complain about it. That's an incredible deal. Imagine if your company had struck a deal like that with Congress. You'd probably be a lot richer than you are.

So that's power, but it pales in comparison to what we're seeing right now. If you really want to understand how powerful Big Pharma is, consider the news that did not break today. The pro-transparency news organization Project Veritas just released an undercover video of a Pfizer executive bragging on camera about how his company conducts a kind of Frankenstein science, manipulating COVID viruses for profit, imperiling potentially the entire world, doing it in secret, possibly in violation of federal law, bragging about this. So, no matter what your politics are, doesn’t matter who you voted for, that's a huge story and you would think every reporter in this country would be itching to follow up on it, calling Pfizer, telling the public about it, but no, that's not happening.




这就是(钱的)力量,但,(真相)与我们现在所能看到的相比,又是天壤之别。如果,你真的想了解大型制药公司有多强大,不妨考虑一下今天媒体界没敢爆出的消息。支持透明度的新闻机构“真相计划”(Project Veritas)刚刚发布了一段卧底视频,视频中一名辉瑞高管在镜头前吹嘘自己的公司是如何进行科学研究的,他们操纵COVID病毒突变以牟利,潜在地危及整个世界,在秘密情况下这样做,可能违反了美国联邦法律,他竟然还吹嘘这一点。所以,无论你的政治坐标是什么,无论你投票给谁,这都是一个巨大的故事,你会认为这个国家的每个记者都会迫不及待地跟进此事,打电话给辉瑞,告诉公众这件事吗,但,哦不,这并没有发生。

In the 24 hours since Project Veritas posted this footage, it has been viewed more than 12 million times on Twitter. So, the public is very interested. Why wouldn't they be? But the media are not. No other media outlet has covered the story at all. We checked. MSNBC and CNN, which perhaps not coincidentally, take huge amounts of advertising dollars from Pfizer, those two channels have devoted a total of zero seconds to the story. Well, just go online and find out about it. Well, Google, the biggest search engine in the world, which has a monopoly on search in this country, appears to have gone out of its way to make it much more difficult for users to learn anything about the Pfizer executive pictured in the footage and so there is, in other words, on television and in most places online, a near-total media blackout of this story.

How powerful is Big Pharma? That powerful, but we have the footage and we're going to show some of it to you tonight because we think we should. Now, that footage shows a Pfizer executive called Jordon Trishton Walker. He is, according to the documents Project Veritas posted, Pfizer's "director of research and development for strategic operations and mRNA scientific planning." It's a big job. Walker is very highly educated and as we said, he's a high-ranking executive at Pfizer. In fact, he's just two reports removed from the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla. His name is Jordon Walker once again.

JORDON TRISHTON WALKER: You know how the virus keeps mutating? Well, one of the things we're exploring is, like, why don't we just mutate it ourselves so we could focus on, so we could create… develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're going to do that, though, there's a risk of, like, as you could imagine, no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f------- viruses. So, we're like, do we want to do this? So, that's, like, one of the things we're considering for, like, the future, like, maybe we're going to create new versions of the vaccine and things like that.

JOURNALIST: OK. So, Pfizer ultimately is thinking about mutating COVID?

TRISHTON WALKER: Well, that is not what we say to the public. No.

“在Project Veritas发布这视频后的24小时内,它在Twitter上的浏览量超过了1200万次。因此,美国公众事实上非常感兴趣。为什么不呢?但我们的媒体并非如此。(除了咱们FOX)没有其他大媒体报道这事。我们检查过了呢。微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)和美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)从辉瑞公司那里获得了巨额广告资金,这两个频道总共花费了0秒的时间来报道这个事。好吧,(咱们)就上网了解一下吧。好吧,世界上最大的搜索引擎谷歌(Google)似乎已经竭尽全力,让用户更难了解视频中辉瑞高管的任何信息,也就是说,在电视和大多数网络上,媒体几乎完全封锁了这个故事。

大型制药公司有多强大?很厉害,但我们有录像,我们(主持人)今晚会给你看一些,因为我们认为应该这样做。现在,这段视频显示了一位名叫乔登·特里什顿·沃克的辉瑞高管。根据Project Veritas发布的文件,他是辉瑞公司的“战略运营和mRNA科学规划研发总监”。这是一项艰巨的工作。沃克受过很高的教育,正如我们所说,他是辉瑞公司的高级管理人员。事实上,他是从辉瑞首席执行官阿尔伯特·博拉(Albert Bourla)手中删除了两份报告。他的名字简写为乔登·沃克。





No, Project Veritas Video Doesn’t Prove Pfizer Is Mutating Covid-19, Who Is Jordon Trishton Walker?

不,真相计划的视频并没有证明辉瑞正在开发变异新冠病毒,Jordon Trishton Walker又是谁?

Tucker Carlson has claimed on his FOX News show Tucker Carlson Tonight that there’s been “a near-total media blackout of this story.” But since there doesn’t seem to be any type of memo circulating to journalists telling them to not cover “this story,” let’s cover it now and see how much veritas it really has.

What’s “this story” that’s supposedly the subject of a media blackout according to Carlson? Well, Carlson has also tweeted the following about it: “Project Veritas just released an undercover video of a Pfizer executive bragging about how his company conducts Frankenstein science, manipulating COVID viruses for profit, and does it in secret, possibly in violation of federal law.”

Wow, a Pfizer exec bragging about “Frankenstein science?” That sounds like a monstrous revelation, doesn’t it? But before Carlson’s claim makes you sit bolt upright in your chair, keep in mind that this was Carlson who had said this. Yes, this was the Tucker Carlson whom John Oliver has called a “superspreader” of Covid-19 vaccine fears and doubts and a “scrunch-faced fear baboon,” as I covered on May 3, 2021, for Forbes. Now, to be fair, Carlson is not necessarily always “scrunch-faced.” He has also sported the “I’m concerned”, the “What’s you talking about, Willis”, and the “I really have to go to the bathroom” facial expressions. But is there any truth to what Carlson has been claiming about this Project Veritas video or is it actually a hot air baboon situation?

塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)在其FOX新闻节目《今晚》中声称,“美国媒体几乎完全封锁了这个故事”。但由于…似乎没有任何形式的备忘录流传给记者,告诉他们不要报道“这个故事”,所以,我们(福布斯)现在就来报道一下,看看它到底有多真实。

根据卡尔森的说法,媒体封锁的主题是什么?“这个故事”?嗯,卡尔森也在推特上发布了关于此事的消息,他说:“Project Veritas刚刚发布了一段辉瑞高管的卧底视频,他吹嘘自己的公司如何开展科学研发,操纵COVID病毒变异牟利,并秘密进行,还可能违反了联邦法律。”


The video appeared to be an undercover video because the footage was rather grainy and filmed at a rather awkward angle. It looked like the type of video taken to prove that someone’s significant other is doing more with the office manager than offic’ing and managing. This video featured someone described by Project Veritas as “Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development - Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning,” answering questions from an unidentified interviewer. So you could either take Project Veritas’s or Carlson’s words for it or search for this name on Google, Bing, or Duck Duck Go yourself. After all, someone with that kind of title should be fairly easy to find on the Internet, right?

这段视频似乎是一段卧底视频,因为视频画面很粗糙,拍摄角度也很尴尬。这看起来像是一段视频,用来证明某人的另一半与办公室经理的关系比办公和管理更加密切的吧。这段视频的主角是Project Veritas描述的“Jordon Trishton Walker,Pfizer研发总监-战略运营和mRNA科学规划”,回答了一位身份不明的采访者的问题。因此,您可以使用Project Veritas或Carlson的描述,也可以自己在Google、Bing或Duck Duck Go上搜索这个姓名。毕竟,拥有这种头衔的人,应该很容易在互联网上找到,对吧?

Well, a Google search didn’t really reveal any legitimate source that could verify the person’s name and title. Similarly, a search on LinkedIn doesn’t reveal any such verifiable profiles either, just some accounts trying to spread his name. Some of these accounts are spelling the name slightly differently such as “Jordon Triston Walker” or “Jordan Triston Walker.” Of note, a search for “Triston” without the “h” did return an Urban Dictionary entry that described “Triston” as “a very hot and cute boy who always wants to disagree. Who has the softest hair in the entire world.” So if you are looking for someone hot, disagreeable, and really soft-haired, there is that.

OK, let’s suspend disbelief for a second and assume that the video featured an actual Pfizer exec. Did it then really show what Carlson claimed? Hmm, rather than one continuous piece of footage where you could see the real flow of the conversation, the video seemed more like a compilation of clips stitched together. That makes it difficult to tell whether a statement was taken out of context. For example, in the video, this so-called Walker guy explained, “We're exploring, like, you know how the virus keeps mutating? Well, one of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it ourselves, so we could focus on, create, preemptively develop new vaccines, right?” That’s a little vague. You can’t tell for sure who “we” really is and whether he was talking about real plans or hypothetical ones.





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