
The State Council recently issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which requires better coordination of the domestic and international overall situation, creating a market-oriented, legal, and international first-class business environment, fully leveraging China's super large scale market advantages, and attracting and utilizing foreign investment more vigorously and effectively, in order to promote high-level opening up to the outside world Make contributions to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country. The full text is detailed in the "Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment".

国务院日前印发《关于进一步优化外商投资环境 加大吸引外商投资力度的意见》(以下简称《意见》),要求更好统筹国内国际两个大局,营造市场化、法治化、国际化一流营商环境,充分发挥我国超大规模市场优势,更大力度、更加有效吸引和利用外商投资,为推进高水平对外开放、全面建设社会主义现代化国家作出贡献。全文详见《国务院关于进一步优化外商投资环境加大吸引外商投资力度的意见》。

The Opinion proposes 24 policy measures in 6 aspects. One is to improve the quality of utilizing foreign capital. Increase efforts to attract foreign investment in key areas, leverage the comprehensive pilot demonstration and driving role of expanding the opening up of the service industry, broaden channels for attracting foreign investment, support the gradient transfer of foreign-invested enterprises, and improve the promotion mechanism for foreign investment project construction. The second is to ensure the national treatment of foreign-invested enterprises. Ensure legal participation in government procurement activities, support equal participation in standard formulation work in accordance with the law, and ensure equal enjoyment of support policies. Thirdly, we will continue to strengthen the protection of foreign investment. Establish a sound mechanism for protecting the rights and interests of foreign investment, strengthen administrative protection of intellectual property rights, increase administrative enforcement of intellectual property rights, and standardize the formulation of foreign economic and trade policies and regulations. The fourth is to improve the level of investment and operation facilitation. Optimize the residence suspension policy for foreign employees of foreign-invested enterprises, explore a convenient cross-border data flow security management mechanism, coordinate and optimize law enforcement inspections for foreign-invested enterprises, and improve service guarantees for foreign-invested enterprises. Fifth, increase financial and tax support. Strengthen the guarantee of foreign investment promotion funds, encourage foreign investment enterprises to reinvest in China, implement relevant tax preferential policies for foreign investment enterprises, and support foreign investment enterprises to invest in areas encouraged by the state for development. Sixth, improve the promotion methods for foreign investment. Improve the mechanism for attracting investment, facilitate the promotion of overseas investment, expand channels for promoting foreign investment, and optimize the evaluation of foreign investment promotion.


Among these 24 policy measures, the 13th measure to improve the level of investment and operation facilitation mentions the need to optimize the residence suspension policy for foreign employees of foreign-invested enterprises. Continuously optimize entry and exit policies and measures, and provide convenience for foreign executives, technical personnel, and their families of foreign-invested enterprises to enter, exit, and stay. Let's take a look at which foreign executives, technicians, and their families of foreign-funded enterprises can conveniently apply for work permits in China under the existing "Foreigner Work Permit System".


01 Which foreign companies and positions they hire can apply for foreign high-end talents (Class A)


According to the currently implementedification standards for foreign work in China, the chairman, legal representative, general manager, or chief technical expert hired by domestic and foreign medium-sized enterprises with senior management or technical positions, or small foreign-invested enterprises that meet the encouraged industries in the Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries and the Catalogue of Foreign Investment Advantage Industries in the Central and Western Regions. Foreign talents who meet the demand for market-oriented and encouraged positions can apply for foreign high-end talents (Class A) and enjoy convenient services such as "green channels" and "vacancy acceptance".


In order to deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the Central Talent Work Conference, and implement the deployment requirements of the State Council's "Opinions on Conducting Pilot Work for Business Environment Innovation" (Guo Fa [2021] No. 24). In January 2023, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security decided to carry out a pilot work on the identification standards for foreign "high, elite, and scarce" talents in Shanghai. New and revised standards have been added and revised on the basis of the "Foreign High end Talents (Class A)" standard in the "Classification Standards for Foreigners' Work in China (Trial)". Click to refer to the "Pilot Work of Shanghai Foreign" High, Precision, and Shortage "Talent Identification Standards" for interpretation.


Personnel with senior management or technical positions who have added national key laboratories (recognized by the science and technology department), new research and development institutions recognized by the Shanghai Municipal Government (recognized by the science and technology department), foreign-funded research and development centers (recognized by the commercial department), trade oriented headquarters (recognized by the commercial commission), private enterprise headquarters (recognized by the commercial commission), and R&D and transformation functional platforms (recognized by the science and technology department) can apply for foreign high-end talents (Class A).


Newly added personnel with senior management or technical positions hired by domestic and foreign medium-sized enterprises, or foreign invested advanced technology or product export enterprises in this city, as well as small foreign-invested enterprises that meet the entries of the "Catalogue of Encouraged Foreign Investment Industries", such as chairman, legal representative, general manager, or chief technical expert, can apply for foreign high-end talents (Class A).


02 What are the standards for domestic and foreign medium-sized enterprises?


In December 2017, the National Bureau of Statistics revised and issued the "Measures for the Classification of Large, Small, and Micro Enterprises in Statistics (2017)" (Guo Tong Zi [2017] No. 213, hereinafter referred to as the current measures) based on the new national standard "Classification of National Economic Industries" (GB/T 4754-2017), while continuing the classification principles, methods, structural framework, and scope of application of the 2011 Measures.

2017年12月,国家统计局根据新国家标准《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T 4754—2017),在延续2011年《办法》的分类原则、方法、结构框架和适用范围的前提下,修订出台了《统计上大中小微型企业划分办法(2017)》(国统字〔2017〕213号,以下简称现行办法)。

The current method selects indicators such as employees, operating income, total assets, or alternative indicators, and formulates specificification standards based on industry characteristics. The scale of various legal entity enterprises or units established in accordance with the law within China is divided into large, medium, small, and micro. Individual businesses shall beified according to this method. The industry scope includes 15 industry categories and social work industry categories.


❑ Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery


❑ mining

❑ 采矿业

❑ manufacturing industry

❑ 制造业

❑ Electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply

❑ 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业

❑ construction

❑ 建筑业

❑ Wholesale and retail

❑ 批发和零售业

❑ Transportation, storage and postal services

❑ 交通运输、仓储和邮政业

❑ Accommodation and catering

❑ 住宿和餐饮业

❑ Information transmission, software and information technology services

❑ 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业

❑ Real Estate

❑ 房地产业

❑ Leasing and business services

❑ 租赁和商务服务业

❑ Scientific research and technology services

❑ 科学研究和技术服务业

❑ Water conservancy, environment and public facilities management

❑ 水利、环境和公共设施管理业

❑ Residential services, repair and other services

❑ 居民服务、修理和其他服务业

❑ Culture, sports, and entertainment industries, etc

❑ 文化、体育和娱乐业等

When actually judging the size of the enterprise (unit)


You need to pay attention to the two aspects!


一、Enterprise classification indicators shall be based on the current statistical system


➤ Employees: refers to the number of employees at the end of the period. If there are no employees at the end of the period, the annual average number of employees will be used instead

➤ 从业人员:是指期末从业人员数,没有期末从业人员数的,采用全年平均人员数代替

➤ operating revenue

➤ 营业收入

● Industry, construction industry, wholesale and retail industry above designated size, accommodation and catering industry above designated size, and other industries with set main business income indicators shall adopt main business income

● 工业、建筑业、限额以上批发和零售业、限额以上住宿和餐饮业以及其他设置主营业务收入指标的行业,采用主营业务收入

● Wholesale and retail enterprises below the quota use sales of goods as a substitute

● 限额以下批发与零售业企业,采用商品销售额代替

● Accommodation and catering enterprises below the quota adopt turnover instead

● 限额以下住宿与餐饮业企业,采用营业额代替

● Agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery enterprises adopt total operating income instead

● 农、林、牧、渔业企业,采用营业总收入代替

● For other industries that do not have a main business income, the operating income indicator is used

● 其他未设置主营业务收入的行业,采用营业收入指标

➤ Total assets: replaced by total assets

➤ 资产总额:采用资产总计代替

二、The satisfaction of indicator conditions varies slightly


➤ Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises must simultaneously meet the lower limit of the listed indicators, otherwise they will be classified as a lower level

➤ 大型、中型和小型企业,须同时满足所列指标的下限,否则下划一档。

➤ Micro enterprises only need to meet one of the listed indicators

➤ 微型企业只须满足所列指标中的一项即可。

03 What are the encouraged industries in the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries?


With the consent of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce publicly issued Order No. 52 on October 28, 2022, releasing the full text of the "Catalogue of Encouraged Foreign Investment Industries (2022 Edition)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Encouraged Catalogue"), which will come into effect on January 1, 2023.


The revised version of the "Encouragement Catalogue" is an important measure to further stabilize foreign investment under the current situation. It is not only conducive to promoting high-level opening up to the outside world and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, but also helps to further stabilize foreign investment, optimize investment structure, and boost foreign investment expectations and confidence. The "Encouragement Catalogue" consists of two parts: one is the National Catalogue of Encouraged Foreign Investment Industries, and the other is the Catalogue of Foreign Investment Advantage Industries in the Central and Western Regions.


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