The science and technology bureau of each city will determine the latest 4 times and 6 times salary standards for foreign talents based on the average annual salary of urban employees in non-private sectors in the previous year published by the statistics bureau.Here are the updated calculation standards of salary income of foreigners working in some cities.
1.New Application1.新申请Mike (alias) is an applicant whose monthly salary will be RMB65,000 and he will apply for the new application of work permit in December 2023 in Guangzhou.
According to the new salary calculation standard for work permit application in Guangzhou, Mike’s monthly salary is no less than 6 times social average salary of previous year in Guangzhou(that is RMB62,694), thus he is eligible for applying for the category A.根据广州中工作许可证申请的新工资计算标准,Mike的月薪不低于广州中前一年社会平均工资的6倍(即人民币62,694元),因此他有资格申请A类工作。
2. Transfer of Work Permit2.工作许可证的转让Leo(alias) resigned from Shenzhen company A on 30 July 2023 and he will join a new company B in Guangzhou on 25 September 2023. His monthly salary will be RMB43,000 in Guangzhou.Leo(化名)于2023年7月30日从深圳公司A辞职,他将于2023年9月25日加入位于广州的新公司B。他的月薪为4.3万元。According to the new salary calculation standard of work permit, Leo’s monthly salary is no less than 4 times social average salary of previous salary in Guangzhou (that is RMB41,796) ,thus he is eligible for the category B of work permit.
The Classification Criteria for Foreigners Working in China
According to the Notice on Comprehensively Implementing the System of the Foreigner's Work Permit in China(No. 40 [2017] SAFEA), foreigners working in China are divided into High-End Foreign Talents (Category A), Foreign Professionals(Category B), Ordinary Foreigners (Category C).根据《关于全面实施外国人上岗证制度的通知》(2017]SAFEA 40号),在华工作的外国人分为:高端外国人才(A类)、外国专业人才(B类)、普通外国人(C类)。I. High-End Foreign Talents (Category A)I.外国高端人才(A类)The scientists, the leading talents in science and technology, international entrepreneurs, the specialized talents and other "cutting-edge, top" rare high-end foreign elites are urgently needed for China's economic and social development. Foreigners that meet the state's priorities and catalogues for the introduction of foreign talents and one of the following conditions, shall beified as Category A, and enjoy the services of "green passage" and "acceptance of incomplete application materials".
我国经济社会发展急需科学家、科技领军人才、国际企业家、专门人才等 "尖端、顶尖 "稀缺高端外籍精英人才。符合国家引进外国人才重点项目和目录,并具备下列条件之一的外国人,列为A类,享受 "绿色通道 "和 "申请材料不全受理 "服务。 (I) Those Selected in Domestic Talent Introduction Program(一)国内人才引进项目Candidates selected in the talent introduction programs recognized by the competent talent departments above the sub-provincial level approved or consented on record by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.候选人选择人才介绍项目认可的主管部门省级以上批准或同意的中国共产党中央委员会、人力资源和社会保障部,国家外国专家事务管理局。(II) Those In line with Internationally Accepted Accreditation Criteria for Professional Achievements(二)符合国际公认的专业成果认可标准的1. Nobel laureates (physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, economics).1.诺贝尔奖得主(物理学、化学、生理学或医学、经济学)。2. Winners of the following awards: the National Medal of Science, the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the Gold Medal of the National Centre for Scientific Research, the Royal Gold Medal of the United Kingdom, the Copley Medal, the Turing Award, the Fields Medal, the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, the Abel Prize, the Lasker Award, the Crafoord Prize, the Japan Prize, the Kyoto Prize, the Shaw Prize, famous architectural awards, and famous industrial design awards.2. 以下奖项的获得者:美国国家科学奖、美国国家科技创新奖、美国国家科学研究中心金奖、英国皇家金奖、科普利奖、图灵奖、菲尔兹奖、沃尔夫数学奖、阿贝尔奖、拉斯克奖、克拉福德奖、日本奖、京都奖、邵逸夫奖、著名建筑奖、著名工业设计奖。3. Academicians from academies of science and academies of engineering all over the world.3.来自世界各地的科学院和工程学院的学者。4. Those who served as committee members, members or council members of world-renowned academic institutions such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or international scientific and educational organizations.4.曾担任世界标准化组织(ISO)或国际科学和教育组织等世界知名学术机构的委员会成员、成员或理事会成员的人。5. Directors or senior researchers of national research institutes or laboratories all over the world5.在世界各地的国家研究机构或实验室的主任或高级研究人员6. Directors, chief scientists or key members of world science & technology planning project achievements6.世界科技规划项目成果的主任、首席科学家或主要成员7. Those who served as chief editors, deputy editor-in-chiefs or senior members of international high-level scientific and technological journals (JCR Quartile 1 or 2).7. 担任国际高水平科技期刊主编、副主编或高级成员(JCR 第 1 或第 2 四分位)者。8. Those who have published 3 papers as first authors or corresponding authors (including authors with equivalent contributions) in international high-level scientific and technological journals (the special field shall be in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Quartile 1 or 2).8. 以第一作者或通讯作者(包括有同等贡献的作者)在国际高水平科技期刊上发表过 3 篇论文者(专门领域应在《期刊引文报告》(JCR)第 1 或第 2 季度)。9. Those that held management positions above middle level or worked as professors or associate professors in domestic (overseas) high-level universities.9.在中级以上管理职务或在国内(外)高级大学担任教授或副教授的。10. Those who held senior management positions or served as key technological research and development members in the headquarters of world's top 500 enterprises, or those who held management positions above deputy-general manager or served as heads of technological R&D in secondary companies or regional headquarters.10.在世界500强企业总部担任高级管理职务或关键技术研发成员,在副总经理或区域总部担任副总经理以上或技术研发负责人。11. Those who held senior management positions in world-renowned financial institutions or world-renowned accounting firms.11.曾在世界知名金融机构或世界知名会计师事务所担任高级管理职位的人员。12. Principals, vice principals, professors or associate professors of world-renowned schools of music, fine arts, or arts.12.世界著名的音乐、美术或艺术学院的校长、副校长、教授或副教授。13. Those serving as chief conductors or tutti players in world-famous orchestras.13. 在世界著名交响乐团中担任首席指挥或小提琴手。14. Artists who did solo performances in world-famous operas or concert halls.14.在世界著名的歌剧或音乐厅里独自表演的艺术家。15. Winners of the highest individual awards in famous literature prizes, famous film, television and drama prizes, famous music prizes or famous advertisement prizes; winners of the grand awards of category I contests, the first prizes or the individual awards of category II contests in world famous arts competitions, or those that served as judges of the above-mentioned awards and competitions.15.著名文学奖、著名电影、电视、戏剧奖、著名音乐奖、著名广告奖最高个人奖得主;世界著名艺术竞赛第一类竞赛大奖、第二类比赛首奖或个人奖,或上述奖项和比赛评委的获奖者。16. Famous athletes who ranked top eight in the Olympic Games or in the World Cup, World Championship or other international sport events with a certain sport included into the Olympic Games in the last two sessions, or who ranked top three in the Asian Games or the Asian Cup or Asian Championship with a certain sport included into the Asian Games in the last sessions; head coaches or key members of the coaching teams responsible for the training of above-mentioned famous athletes.16.著名运动员排名前八在奥运会或世界杯,世界锦标赛或其他国际体育赛事与某项运动包括在奥运会在过去两届,或排名前三在亚洲运动会或亚洲杯或亚洲锦标赛一定运动包括在亚运会最后会议;负责训练上述著名运动员的主教练或教练队的关键成员。17. Those who held positions above the ministerial level in foreign government institutions or senior leadership positions in famous international or non-governmental organizations.17.在外国政府机构担任部长级以上职务或在国际或非政府组织担任高级领导职务的。18. Winners of world and national expertise competitions or professionals specialized in training for the competitive events; -superexcellent talents holding the highest professional skill certificates internationally acknowledged or professional skill certificates for China's senior technician.18.世界和国家专业技能比赛的获胜者或专业参加比赛项目训练的专业人员;-拥有国际认可的最高专业技能证书或中国高级技术人员的专业技能证书的超优秀人才。(III) Foreign talents meeting the requirements for market-oriented encouraged jobs(三)符合市场导向型鼓励就业要求的外国人才1. Personnel with senior management or technical positions, employed by state-owned enterprises or their secondary subsidiaries, global or regional headquarters of world top 500 enterprises, national high-tech enterprises (accredited by the department of science and technology above provincial level) or large enterprises.1.国有企业或其二级子公司、全球500强企业全球或区域总部、国家高新技术企业(省级以上科技部认证)或大型企业聘用的高级管理人员或技术职务人员。2. Personnel with senior management or technical positions, who work in the state accredited corporate engineering research centers (accredited by the department of development and reform), engineering laboratories (accredited by the department of development and reform), engineering technology research centers (accredited by the department of science and technology), enterprise technology centers (accredited by economic sectors and the department of information technology) or local technological innovation service platforms (accredited by the department of science and technology).2.在国家认可的企业工程研究中心(发展改革部认可)、工程实验室(发展改革部认可)、工程技术研究中心(科技部认证)、企业技术中心(经济部门和信息技术部认证)或地方技术创新服务平台(科技部认证)工作的高级管理人员或技术岗位人员。3. Personnel with senior management or technical positions employed by medium-sized enterprises at home and abroad, or chairmen, legal representatives, general managers or chief technical experts employed by small foreign-invested enterprises that comply with the encouraged industries listed in the Catalogue for the Guidance of Industries for Foreign Investment or the Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in the Central-Western Regions.3.国内外中型企业聘用的高级管理人员或者技术人员,或者符合《外商投资产业指导目录》、《中西部地区外商投资重点产业目录》的小型外商投资企业的董事长、法定代表人、总经理或者首席技术专家。4. Personnel who hold higher senior management positions, or serve as associate professors or associate researchers in colleges and universities or scientific research institutions; senior lecturers, senior internship instructors or other professional personnel above sub-senior level in vocational colleges.4.高校、科研机构担任高级管理职务、副教授、副研究员的人员;职业院校高级讲师、高级实习讲师或者其他下级以上专业人员。5. Professional personnel who hold senior management positions or positions above sub-senior level in domestic Grade-A tertiary general hospitals, municipal specialized hospitals above sub-provincial level or foreign-funded hospitals.5. 在国内三级甲等综合医院、副省级以上市级专科医院或外资医院担任高级管理职务或副高级以上职务的专业人员。6. Chief conductors, artistic directors and chief prayers working in domestic first-class orchestras or other artistic groups.6.在国内一流的管弦乐队或其他艺术团体工作的首席指挥、艺术总监和首席祈祷者。7. The chief editors, deputy editor-in-chiefs, chief announcers, senior hosts, planning directors, layout directors or other personnel holding senior management or technical positions in the central or local mainstream media.7.主编、副总编辑、总编辑、高级主持人、高级主持人、规划主任、版面主任或在中央或地方主流媒体担任高级管理人员或技术职位的其他人员。8. Main athletes, head coaches or core members of coaching staff employed by national or provincial sports teams or clubs.
8.国家或省级运动队或俱乐部雇用的主要运动员、主教练或教练组的核心成员。9. Foreign talent whose average wage income is not less than 6 times of the average social wage income of the previous year in the region.9.平均工资收入不低于本地区上年平均社会工资收入6倍的外国人才。 (IV) Innovation and entrepreneurship talents(四)创新创业人才1. Founders of enterprises that have invested with the major technological inventions, patents, or other proprietary intellectual properties or technologies, and had a stable investment for three consecutive years, with their actual total investment to the enterprises not less than USD 500,000 and personal shares not less than 30%.1.投资过重大技术发明、专利或其他专有知识产权或技术,连续三年稳定投资的企业创始人,实际总投资不少于50万美元,个人股份不少于30%。2. Corporate chairmen, legal representatives, general managers or chief technical experts who have invested with major technological inventions, patents or some other proprietary intellectual properties or technologies,and had an annual sales of more than RMB 10 million or annual tax of more than RMB 1 million for three consecutive years.2.公司董事长、法定代表人、总经理或首席技术专家投资重大技术发明、专利或其他专有知识产权或技术,和年销售额超过1000万元或年税超过100万元连续三年。3. Personnel holding senior management or technical positions, employed by units in the list of innovative enterprises or that of scientific and technological occupations formulated by relevant provincial departments.3.创新企业单位或者省级有关部门制定的科技职业名单上的单位聘用的担任高级管理人员或者技术职务的人员。 (V) Outstanding young talents(五)优秀青年人才Young talents under 40 years old, who are engaged in postdoctoral research in foreign (overseas) high-level universities or universities within the territory of China;在国外(境外)高水平高校从事博士后研究的40岁以下青年人才; (VI) Those whose scoring points achieve higher than 85.(六)得分得分在85分以上的。II. Foreign Professionals (Category B)2.外国专业人员(B类)Foreign professionals who comply with the guidance catalogue and meet the job requirements for foreigners working in China, are urgently needed for China's economic and social development and meet one of the following conditions, shall beified as Category B.符合指导目录,符合外国人在华工作的工作要求,是中国经济和社会发展迫切需要的,并满足下列条件之一的外国专业人员,应列为B类。(I) Foreign professionals with bachelor's degree or above and 2 years or more related working experiences, who meet one of the following provisions:(一)本科及以上学历,2年及以上相关工作经验,符合下列规定之一的外国专业人员:1. Managers or professional technicians engaged in scientific research, teaching or management, etc. in such special fields as education, scientific research, news, publishing, culture, art, health, sports and so on.1.从事科研、教学、管理等工作的管理人员或专业技术人员。在教育、科学研究、新闻、出版、文化、艺术、健康、体育等特殊领域。2. Personnel who execute agreements between Chinese and foreign governments, agreements between international organizations, or economic and trade contracts or engineering technology contracts between China and foreign countries. The age limit for personnel dispatched by world-renowned academic institutions or international scientific and educational organizations shall be relaxed in accordance with the terms of inter-governmental exchange and cooperation agreements.2.执行中外政府协议、国际组织协议、中外经贸合同或工程技术合同的人员。世界知名学术机构或者国际科学教育组织派遣人员,按照政府间交流合作协议的规定放宽年龄限制。3. Personnel employed by representative offices of international organizations in China or representatives of overseas expert organizations in China.3.国际组织在华代表机构或海外专家组织在华代表所聘用的人员。4. The employees above the intermediate level dispatched by multinational companies or the chief representatives and representatives of the resident representative offices of foreign enterprises in China.4.跨国公司派出的中级以上员工或外国企业常驻中国代表机构的首席代表和代表。5. Foreign management personnel or professional technical personnel employed by various enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, etc.5.各类企业、事业单位、社会组织等机构聘用的外国管理人员或专业技术人员。(II) Skilled talents holding internationally accepted vocational skill certificates or urgently needed.(二)持有国际公认的职业技能证书或迫切需要的技术人才。(III) Foreign language teachers. Foreign language teachers should, in principle, be engaged in the teaching of their mother tongue, and have obtained a bachelor's degree or above with at least 2 years of language teaching experience. Among them, those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in education, language or teacher training, or have obtained a teaching certificate in their own countries, or an equivalent international language teaching certificate, can be exempt from the requirements of work experience.(三)外语教师。外语教师原则上应从事母语教学,并取得学士及以上学历,至少有2年的语言教学经验。其中,取得教育、语言或教师培训学士或以上学位,或在本国取得教学证书或同等国际语言教学证书的,可免除工作经验要求。(IV) Foreign talent whose average wage income is not less than 4 times of the average social wage income of the previous year in the region.(四)平均工资收入不低于本地区上年社会平均工资收入4倍的外国人才。 (V) Specialized personnel or projects implementers, who conform to the regulations of relevant state departments.(五)符合国家有关部门规定的专业人员或者项目实施人员。 (VI) Professionals whose scoring points achieve higher than 60.(六)得分在60分以上的专业人员。III. Ordinary Foreigners (Category C)三、普通外国人(C类)Other foreigner personnel that meet the needs of domestic labor market and comply with the provisions of national policies shall fall into Category C, mainly including:其他符合国内劳动力市场需要并符合国家政策规定的外籍人员,应属于C类,主要包括: (I) Foreign personnel that meet the current regulations for foreigners working in China;(一)符合外国人在中国工作规定的外国人员; (II) Foreigner personnel that work temporary or for a short-term (no more than 90 days);(二)临时工作或短期工作(不超过90天)的外籍人员; (III) The personnel subject to quota management, including foreign youths who come to China for internship according to intergovernmental agreements, international students or foreign graduates from overseas universities that meet corresponding conditions, or foreigners working in special fields such as offshore fishing, etc.
狗蛋丙 回复 09-01 16:15
潘逸 回复 09-01 21:53
山大留学生 回复 09-03 23:56