
三月流焱 2022-12-10 19:08:37

不要因为暂时的困难,而闷闷不乐,一切都会好起来,你过去有多不顺,将来就会有多好,因为事物的规律是物极必反,如果你正在遭受磨难,别灰心,风雨过后便是阳光。Don't be unhappy because of temporary difficulties. Everything will be better. How bad you were in the past, how good you will be in the future. Because the law of things is that when things reach their limit, they will turn against each other. If you are suffering, don't lose heart. After the wind and rain, there will be sunshine.愿你:怀着十分努力,九分勇敢,八分坚韧,七分温柔,六分乐观,五分真诚,四分谦卑,三分敬畏,两分平和,找到一心一意的自己。May you: find yourself wholeheartedly with great effort, courage, tenacity, gentleness, optimism, sincerity, humility, awe and peace.

这年头做老天爷也很为难,不可以把全部的好事都让给你,也不可以把全部的不幸都塞给你。It's hard to be a god these days. You can't give all the good things to you, nor can you give all the bad things to you.生活中本就充满了失望,不是所有的等待都能如愿以偿,你且笑对,不必慌张。Life is full of disappointments. Not all the waiting can be fulfilled. You should laugh right and don't panic.

一件事你期望太高你就输了,一份情你付出太多你就累了,一个人你等的久了你就痛了。记住,生活中没有过不去的难关,生命中也没有离不开的人。如果你不被珍惜,不再重要,学会华丽的转身。你可以哭泣,可以心疼,但不能绝望。今天的泪水,会是你明天的成长;今天的伤痕,会是你明天的坚强。If you expect too much, you will lose. If you pay too much for a relationship, you will be tired. If you wait too long, you will be hurt. Remember, there are no difficulties in life that can not be overcome, and there are no people who can not be separated from life. If you are not treasured and no longer important, learn to turn around gracefully. You can cry, you can love, but you can't despair. Today's tears will be your growth tomorrow; Today's scars will be your strong tomorrow.

最近看到一个词叫“圈层突破”,如果想获得不一样的人生,必须打破你原有圈子,并不断向上提升自己。Recently I saw a word called "Circle Breakthrough". If you want to have a different life, you must break your original circle and constantly improve yourself.人这一辈子,想要掌控命运,首先要掌控自己,而想要做到真正掌控自己,则要从养成好习惯开始。当你变得优秀,全世界都会变得美好起来。In this life, if you want to control your destiny, you must first control yourself. If you want to truly control yourself, you must start from developing good habits. When you become excellent, the world will become better.

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