
三月流焱 2022-11-26 12:47:29

断了不该有的关系,推了不该有的圈子,从今天开始关闭烦恼,开启挣钱模式,满脑子都只有钱快乐又肤浅。Cut off the relationship that should not have, push the circle that should not have, and start to close the trouble and open the money making mode from today, all the people in my mind are happy and superficial with money.前半生是由自己得到了一些什么东西来决定的,后半生却是由自己主动丢弃了一些什么东西来决定的。到了下半场,把自己清理得越干净,就越容易得到幸福。The first half of your life is determined by what you get, while the second half is determined by what you throw away on your own initiative. In the second half, the cleaner you clean yourself up, the easier it is to get happiness.

多数人的生活都过得挺好,只是没有感受到自己过得很好。所以,生活与感受生活,是两件完全不同的事,前者更像是人的一种本能,后者必须是一种认知。Most people live a good life, but they don't feel that they are living a good life. Therefore, life and feeling life are two completely different things. The former is more like a human instinct, while the latter must be a kind of cognition.有着自己的节奏,在喜欢的状态里生活,保持感知各种快乐的能力,找到内心的爱与自由。Have your own rhythm, live in the state you like, maintain the ability to perceive all kinds of happiness, and find love and freedom in your heart.

简单的圈子,规律的生活,立一个目标,守一份初心,认真对待生命中的每一天,新的一天,加油!Simple circle, regular life, set a goal, keep a original intention, and take each day of life seriously, a new day, come on!吃别人所不能吃的苦,忍别人所不能忍的气,做别人所不能做的事,就能享受别人所不能享受的一切。Eat what others cannot, endure what others cannot, do what others cannot, and enjoy what others cannot enjoy.

一个女人重生的办法只有两种:要么变美丽,要么变有钱,没有天生丽质,也要天生励志。There are only two ways for a woman to regenerate: to become beautiful or rich. Without natural beauty, she should also be naturally motivated.与其追求得不到的事物,不如好好经营自己,把自己打造成生活的王牌,所有美好自会向你而来!Instead of pursuing things you can't get, it's better to manage yourself well and make yourself the trump card of life. All the good things will come to you!

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