多少岁不重要,活着像几岁オ最重要。不要把辛苦和怨气都挂在脸上,你想要最好的生活,就先让生活,看到最好的你。How many years does not important, living like how old is the most important. Don't put the hard work and resentment on your face, you want the best life, let life first, see the best you.

那些不顺利的日子,就当作一小段特别的经历吧,时常想起也会不经意地感慨一下。愿接下来的冬天,期待少一点,温暖多一点,失望少一点,惊喜和爱多一点。Those bad days, as a small special experience, often think of will also inadvertently sigh with emotion. May the following winter be less anticipated, more warmer, less disappointed, more surprise and love.对努力的自己说声加油,提醒虚度的自己再不能荒废。有种人生的落差是:你配不上自己的野心,也辜负了所受的苦难。To the efforts of their own say refueling, remind their wasted can not waste. There is a gap in life: you are not worthy of your own ambition, but also failed the suffering.

故事人人都有,我们都是生活中的俗人,在咖啡一样苦的日子里,希望能遇到一勺一人给你放糖的人。Everyone has the story, we are all the vulgar people in life, in the same bitter coffee days, I hope to meet a spoonful of one person to put sugar for you.

学会驾驭自己的生活,即使困难重重,也要满怀信心地向前走。不自怜不自卑不哀怨,一日一日过,一步一步走,那份柳暗花明的喜乐和必然的抵达,在于我们自己的坚持。Learn to control your own life, even with many difficulties, to go ahead with confidence. No self-pity, no inferiority complex, not sorrow, day by day, step by step, that the bright joy and the inevitable arrival, lies in our own persistence.