
三月流焱 2022-11-09 20:06:25

希望不要纠结那些已经发生的,无法改变的陈旧破事上,更不要内耗,把时间和精力专注于自己的目标上面。I hope you don't focus on the old things that have happened, and never focus your time and energy on your goals.早点睡觉,钱又不是一天挣出来的,慢慢干,保持健康阳光快乐这才是工作。Go to bed early, the money is not earned in a day, slowly dry, keep healthy, sunny and happy this is the work.

起风了,天气开始冷了,又该穿棉衣了,你看时间过得多快,好像什么都没来得及做,这一年又过去了。The wind rose, the weather began to be cold, and it is time to wear cotton-padded clothes, you see how fast the time passes, it seems as if you did not have time to do anything, this year has passed again.

不争不抢,不急不躁,努力就好;不求事事圆满,但愿事事顺心,努力换来好的生活,喜欢的都配拥有。Do not rob, not impatient, work hard; do not want everything to complete, I hope everything goes, strive for a good life, like to have.阳光不只来自快乐,还可以来自内心,心里住着小太阳,日子才会清透明亮,不一定每天都很好,但每天一定有小美好,生活是自己的,心情更是自己的!Sunshine not only comes from happiness, but also comes from the heart, the small sun lives in the heart, the day will be clear and bright, not necessarily every day is very good, but every day there must be a little beautiful, life is their own, the mood is their own!

祝你开心,不止现在,永远有效,愿你永远是内心充满阳光的小朋友,明亮却不刺眼,自信又懂得收敛,一直温柔!I wish you happy, not only now, always effective, I wish you will always be the heart full of sunshine of the children, bright but not dazzling, confident and know how to convergence, has been gentle!

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