要忧虑太多,好好善待自己。不要计较自己的付出与收获。生活不简单、尽量简单过。生活随心,工作尽心,人生要开心。Worry too much and treat yourself well. Don't care about your own pay and gains. Life is not simple, as simple as possible. Life to follow, work dedication, life to be happy.这个社会从来不缺年轻又漂亮的女生,永远有人更年轻,稀缺的是聪明努力,清醒自爱有头脑的女人!This society is never short of young and beautiful girls, there will always be younger, scarce is smart efforts, sober self-love-headed woman!

在乎的越多,反而越累,留不住的东西你不扔远一点,否则,以后绊倒你就是你活该。The more you care about, the more tired you are, and you don't throw away the things you can not leave, otherwise, you deserve to trip over you later.你现在的每一份努力,都在为你的出行积累欣喜,希望你最后得到的能点亮你的整个人生!Every effort you make now is accumulating joy for your travel. I hope what you finally get can light up your whole life!

做好任何一件事,都离不开6个字:开始、坚持、重复,这6个字看起来毫不起眼,却是很多人难以做到的,想要看到更优秀的自己,就钻研这6个字,记住,越努力越幸运!Do anything well, can not do without the six words: start, insist, repeat, these six words seem insignificant, but it is difficult for many people to do, want to see a better self, study these six words, remember, the more hard, the more lucky!

我想做一个,贪财好色的小女子,以后不用谁喜欢谁不喜欢了,余生我只想有美貌,做个俗人,肤浅又快乐!I want to do a, greedy money lustful little woman, later do not need who like who don't like, the rest of my life I just want to have beauty, do a vulgar person, shallow and happy!