
三月流焱 2022-10-25 10:16:47

理想很丰满,现实很尴尬!踏入社会才知道人生真的不容易,一切都不是想象的那么美好,但还是希望能够过好像现在的生活,向理想的生活努力!The ideal is very full, and the reality is very awkward! Step into the society to know that life is really not easy, everything is not imagined so beautiful imagination, but still hope to be able to live like the life now, to the ideal life efforts!

好好做自己,即使没那么完美,又有什么关系?拐个弯与自己和解,是人生最好的治愈。愿我们在鸡零狗碎的生活中,找到专属于自己的称心如意,也愿我们渐入佳境的人生,配得上这一路的颠沛流离。What does it matter to be yourself well, even if it's not so perfect? Turn a turn to reconcile with yourself, is the best cure of life. May we find our own satisfaction in the fragmented life, but also may our gradually better life, worthy of the drift along the way.好好生活,就是找到适合自己的生活方式。认真的时候工作,糊涂的时候读书,独处的时候思考,难过的时候睡觉。好好吃饭,按时充电,今天也要元气满满,自由自在。To live a good life is to find the right way of life. Work when serious, read when confused, think when alone, sleep when sad. Eat well, charge on time, today also want to be full of energy, free.

我们,终其一生都在成长,愿你眼里有光,永远温柔,永远清醒,活成自己喜欢的模样。We, all in its life are growing up, may you have light in your eyes, always gentle, always awake, live into their favorite appearance.

愿你心怀阳光,快乐前行,一路出发,一路繁花;愿你眼里有光,心中有爱,活的舒心,笑的坦荡;愿你所有的付出都有回报,所有的真情都不被辜负,所有的美好都不负归期。May you harbor sunshine, happy forward, all the way out, all the way flowers; may you have light in your eyes, love, live comfortable, smile magnanimous; may you all the pay in return, all the true feelings are not disappoint, all the good do not return.

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