没有人不遗憾,只是有人不喊疼。时间之所以不会重来,是因为人本来就应该往前走,已经过去的就让它真的过去,别回头,好运和幸福在前方等你。No one don't regret, just someone don't shout pain. The reason why time will not come again, because people should go forward, has the past let it really past, don't turn back, good luck and happiness waiting for you ahead.

自己爱上自己,保养好自己,让自己美丽、开心,踏实做事,带着星星点点的努力,努力活成自己喜欢的模样。They fall in love with themselves, maintain their own, let themselves beautiful, happy, practical work, with a little bit of efforts, and strive to live into their favorite appearance.希望所有的女性,在每一个年龄段都有乘风破浪的勇气,活出最飒的自己,二十自立,三十随意,四十岁美丽,五十岁还有小欢喜,余生皆可期。I hope that all the women, in every age group, have the courage to brave the wind and waves, live out the most brave themselves, twenty self-reliance, thirty free, forty years old beautiful, fifty years old and small joy, the rest of my life can be expected.

你的状态,就是你最好的风水,不用活得太复杂,把心当作屋子,定期打扫一下,该换的换,该丢的丢,不动声色地变得越来越好。Your state, is your best feng shui, do not have to live too complex, the heart as a house, clean regularly, the change of the change, the lost throw, quietly become better and better.

命运的礼物早已标好价格,越是想要的东西就越昂贵,而你的每一次付出也都弥足珍贵。顺境低头,逆境抬头,加把劲,终会得偿所愿。The gift of fate has already been priced, the more things you want, the more expensive, and every time you pay is very precious. Prosperity bow, adversity rise, work harder, will eventually get what you wish.