运动健身、早睡早起、三餐规律,多读好书,如果不知道自己想干什么,做这些永远不会错。Exercise, go to bed early and get early to rise, have regular meals, read more good books, and you can never go wrong if you don't know what you want to do.

小时候,我以为长大后能解决很多问题,现在才发现,长大是所有问题的开始。手持烟火以谋生,且停,且忘,且随风。When I was a child, I thought I could solve many problems when I grew up, but now I find that growing up is the beginning of all problems. Holding fireworks to make a living, and stop, and forget, and with the wind.

十八岁的勇气已经用完了,二十岁的任性已经收敛了,奔三的路上剩下了三思而后行,在失去,在接受,在成长,在好好生活。The courage of eighteen years old has been used up, twenty years old of capricious has converged, on the way to rush three to think twice before acting, in the loss, in the acceptance, in the growth, in a good life.

不要自卑,不要焦虑,没关系,天空越黑,星星越亮,所有的一切都会越来越好。Don't feel inferior, don't worry, it doesn't matter, the darker the sky, the brighter the stars, everything will be better and better.